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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
10/1/2024 1:51:38 AM

Patrol Zones Need Major Upgrades

As it stands, patrol spaces seemingly only exist as a physical setting for stories to take place in (mainly annual expansions), and are not designed with the intent of having value outside of that specific goal, much less long-term value. This is majorly wasted potential in my eyes, as low stakes, infinitely replayable, and constantly updated areas could add so much substance and value to the game. The current issue is that there is simply nothing fulfilling to do in these areas, along with there being no prospect of reward, or even fun gameplay. While the environments are incredibly detailed and immersive, there's really nothing beyond looking cool, and holding some secrets or stories that have never been fully explored. I think a few, relatively simple changes could bring some life back to these neglected destinations. Start with small things, like refurbishing a few Lost Sectors every now and then, adding new Public Events, create or reintroduce more lengthy purposeful missions like Adventures, increase the value of Patrols, refresh old vendors, and start opening up all areas in patrol for exploration. Beyond this, maybe update the landscape to reflect changes that have occurred in the worlds, update the areas to feature relevant story beats (such as removing the Red Legion and having less Cabal forces present in EDZ), merge some smaller areas in old zones, create new fun events to engage in for places that have none, add a Heroic Patrol mode, feature experimental features and modifiers, etc. Yes, there are bigger priorities to focus on right now, but I think something like this would be great for playing into the awesome worlds that have been built in this game, give them a lot more value, and create more interesting content for both new and veteran players to engage with that (hopefully) never gets boring.

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