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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
Edytowany przez użytkownika EVIL VENOM: 10/9/2024 11:55:53 PM

Bungie, you done GOOFED!!

While new weapons and seasonal updates are always welcomed, personally I think developers should rethink with the implementing game mechanics, in their games, talking about potions and tonics. Seriously though I think no one wanted this stuff. It’s way, boring and overcomplicated for no reason. You have to keep mashing buttons, going to different locations within the area of the table just to craft something and it’s just a waste of time. Just give us gear, new weapons, ornaments, a totally new super, hell, maybe a new PVE mode, but potions and tonics? Man, this stuff is ridiculously boring! Love playing Nightfalls, Trials maybe some seasonal events but this potion stuff is nonsense and honestly at this point I think a lot of people don’t care about this stuff. One way to start off, at least simplify the crafting. It’s not hard to craft, but it’s just plain tedious all the things you have to do. One button to craft not walking around in a room to different tables and objects just to craft a silly potion. No disrespect, but this stuff is trash.

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