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10/13/2024 4:27:10 PM

Lf clan

Im a player with over 8k hrs in game that quit probably over a yr ago . Admittedly i have come back here an there but because my old crew is gone now i have noone to do things with. so id come back to do certain things and then not play for another 3 months . As im currently just burnt out on souls likes i am looking to come back given i find a place and people to do that with . So a little about me i was a pvper for many yrs and then in 2020 desided i hated destiny 2 pvp and moved on to the pve stuff i have completed all raids up to crotas end but quit probably like a week after the raid dropped. i have downed all dungeons on master and hold the conquerer title . Idk if any of that means anything but there it is . Also for the pvp side of things at one point i had the flawless title as well as unbroken but il be honest im not coming back for pvp. What im looking for is some older people with lives that just want to get together at somepoint during the week to raid and do dungeons . Nothing to serious im over 40 i have a job and go to school as well so just lookijg for others where life stuff is important

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  • Greetings Guardian! Please carefully read this post link below. It’s explains all about my clan. My recruitment is detailed to ensure if you want to join we are 100% clear about expectations. I want to ensure my clan is free from drama or toxic behaviors so my clan strictly enforces violations of our code of clan conduct, Discord and Bungies codes of conducts. FYI, Using Discord and a Mic are mandatory to join thanks! Important, if you apply to join the clan – you will then get a Discord invite so please check your Bungie messages or our GDF1 Clan group chat for your Discord invite!

    Język wpisów:


    Bądź w porządku dla innych. Poświęć chwilę na przejrzenie naszego Kodeksu Postępowania, zanim zamieścisz swój post. Anuluj Edytuj Stwórz drużynę ogniową Posty

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