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10/15/2024 11:58:08 PM

Anteater Error Code Kicked Dungeon first puzzle nd suggestion fusion

Hello Data pad bugged, was doing 1st puzzle and got error message anteater kicked to orbit returned back to same game and pad was showing a marker but could not pickup, as last plate to activate the data message pad. Have done other 2 puzzles .. returned to 1 puzzle and plates won’t spawn. Have not turned off game or rest console just played the new dungeon again and no plates after clearing first encounter. Need help or bugged Also would like to add game suggestions? Duo infusion same weapons braking the other gun infusion both guns together to infuse the perk from one gun to another. Only with a duplicate of that same gun. That way you make the gun you want. Any of what’s in the gun, Barrel, Magazine, perk? you pick what you want and fuse themselves together. You have done the grid done the encounter have the same gun. Cost glimmer.. no need to make it complicated if has only one perk can add it to make sec perk. Also able to keep doing this, if Arrow Head Brake only good thing you want from it and another gun has one perk and the other one has Volt Shot(all the same gun). This idea was about the time I played dead space. The nodes, you upgrade the gun on the crafting bench. If adept will have 3 and can change any If it’s enhanced legendary will cost More This will save room The exotic class item same thing..fuse them all together to save room and select the perk you want to use that you have unlocked The exotic Special Egro Sword same thing fuse them together to switch Subclass, The Wave or How it acts. And all perks you have unlocked again fuse them together save room. I’m at 700 vault space now down to 697 GoS crafted will fill it Crafted all Guns DSC, KF, RoN, VoW, each season weapons. Have VoG Guns Time Lost that are semi good, just waiting and waiting for fusion NEw, Old guns any and all. If you have 2 this should be a thing.. been asking since season of the Witch Queen Ghosts and vehicles should be cosmetic like shaders.. fusion should had been a thing when crafting was available…

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