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Edytowany przez użytkownika BNGHelp10: 10/16/2024 8:31:48 PM

Destiny 2 Lightfall removed from my account

Hello, at the start of this season and before the [b]Destiny 2 Update[/b] on October 15, 2024, I received the Destiny 2 Lightfall DLC on my account for free. It was listed as "Owned" in the Store section. I play on PC, using the Epic Games Launcher. I have taken some screenshots of my inventory that prove I played the expansion extensively and collected exotics from it. However, after the update, the expansion [b]vanished[/b] from my account, and it no longer appears as "Owned." Could you please help me understand why the expansion was removed from my account and if there is a way to restore it?

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