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Edytowany przez użytkownika Royalscots: 11/17/2024 10:57:18 PM

Multiple game crashes Xbox Series X

Hello, I've been experiencing crashes/freezes repeatedly with Destiny 2 on Xbox Series X. Whenever i play, i experience at least 1 crash/freeze during gameplay. Nothing appears to trigger it as it's normally a random timing. It usually starts as a freeze of my screen, i continue to hear ambient audio, then straight to the xbox home screen, or sometimes it just skips straight back to the home screen without warning. This has been happening for months. I know it's definitely not a hardware issue with my xbox, but it seems to be a bungie side issue. All other games i play do not experience this issue. It's really difficult to play when i continue to crash, especially if it's in matchmaking or in a raid/dungeon. Any help or update towards this issue would be greatly appreciated!

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