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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
11/25/2024 4:50:00 PM

I want D1 armor

I just want D1 armor to be trickled into D2, or a mass reissue of D1 armor. People were rightfully upset when they saw D1 armor being used in cutscenes leading up to TFS and the excision cutscene. Apart from raid armor, we've gotten Iron Companion, Exile, Prodigal, Tangled Web and an ugly chimera called Opulent Duelist. Armor is worldbuilding, it is also IP-defining. It has been 8 years of D2 and I think that if it is to go on for the foreseeable future, the community deserves to have more classic Destiny armor, ON TOP of whatever new armor is released. Bungie absolutely can do that. And no, D1 armor is not all reskins. What I want is the model of the armor.

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