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Destiny 2

Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny 2.
Edytowany przez użytkownika RurouniDante: 11/29/2024 11:17:24 PM

Iron Banner needs some serious help

1) Load me into: • A losing match • Against a 3-stack • Down 25-91 • With zero super • And still only as a 5v6 No Mercy Rule triggered at a 66 point difference 2) Load me into: Nothing….The game ended before my boots even touched the ground. I never saw the map, only went from fly-in animation straight to post-match screen. And this is in the span of 5 minutes You wonder why so many people quit matches? This -blam!- probably has something to do with it [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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