[url=https://youtu.be/X4Nnqo0A7is]Tomb Of Elders[/url]
[url=https://youtu.be/mR2DtLLZvTw]Onslaught Salvation[/url]
I hastily recorded both of the above videos for the sake of this bug report, and they will be removed after this issue has been resolved (Not part of my plans for this YT channel).
Myself and the player "Book Em Dano" are in the same clan together, so we would pull the "Tis The Season" clan bounty to fill out while farming activities together. However, I began to notice that, at least for this Episode, the new activities were not progressing the clan bounty at all, despite all 4 Revenant activities being labeled in the Director as "Seasonal Activities". Both videos use the shorter iteration of the activity, but this also affects the longer versions of them as well.
Bounty progress checks are before activity completion, after activity completion, and after returning to orbit.
Hi there, Thank you for your report. We're seeing a rise in reports about this occurring and are currently investigating.