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12/21/2024 8:51:33 PM

Happy Winter Solstice - Hang out with the Iron Wolves [WOLF] - An active clan for all - 24x7

****************************************** To Join our mighty pack the [WOLF] Clan, 1. Upvote this post 2. join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ****************************************** > Dungeon runs > Exotic Missions ; Dual Destiny, Zero Hour, the Rotators and more > Know what to do (kwtd) raids, teaching raids, new-comer no pressure raids. > Teaching activities. > Seasonal and Playlist fireteams. > PvP comp/survival/trials and casual fireteams. > Gambit casual and stump teams. > Triumphs (don't try to join if you just want a clan triumph, you can use a throwaway clan for that). > Clan-formed activities / Raid races. Discord Fireteam Activity is REQUIRED for Clan Membership. ****************************************** To Join our mighty pack the [WOLF] Clan, 1. Upvote this post 2. join our discord server and follow the instructions in the Welcome message: ******************************************

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