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12/23/2024 4:42:26 AM

Battleye Query Timeout error dec 2024

Hello, this seems to be an error that has been happening for a few years now (very surprised y'all haven't fixed this on PC since this is your current supported game) but i just reinstalled the Steam version of D2 as thats where all my DLC is and after playing for about 10 minutes or so, i get booted out of the game with a Battle Eye error stating: Query Timeout. ive done some research and again this has been an issue for awhile with user making solutions as re verifying the game files, reinstalling battleeye and even more drastic measures such as allowing BE through the firewall manually to unplugging your KB and mouse if you play on controller (take a wild guess what i use) also disabling bluetooth, swapping your RAM for lower clockspeed RAM (WTF), and reinstalling the game. ive done about half of these solutions as im not going out and buying another 32gb ram stick set just for this game. but i really wanna know why im getting booted for battleeye errors on a SINGLEPLAYER MISSION (trying to complete the last shape) but also why its happening in general and why it has not been fixed already despite this issue being 3 years old in my research.

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