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1/13/2025 8:08:37 PM


Cheating and hacking... In the past, there was a friend with whom we spent time together in the vastness of Destiny.Time has passed and our interests have diverged, so there is a purge of "friends".But that's what I don't understand... After being removed from friends, this friend reappears in the list... I decided to deal with this problem myself and this is what I found ... This friend has 2 Bungie IDs on one account, i.e. for example: nickname#1234 and nickname#5678 are the same account! Also, in the post-game statistics, the "comrade" somehow deals x10 damage or even x15 more than the whole team together. When a "friend" is blocked, he also remains in the friends list, but already as a blocked one, having all the player's capabilities without blocking. Appeals to no avail.So a comrade belongs to a clan with at least 3 more such "comrades".

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