Do you still miss the old forum/site format, or have you embraced the Brave New World?
(I know posts like this have been made, but there haven't been any for a long while, at least not that I've noticed)
Some of the changes were pretty good, but the old layout was much better. If we could have some of the new features with old site's looks, that would be awesome.
I know there was a lot of work that was put into the new design but I still miss the old format.
It's still a piece of shit. pretty much went from a dictatorship to a rotten day care. From strict forum rules, to minor forum rules, to no forum rules. Thanks Bungie.
Still shitty.
It's alright for me now. I can live with it. I would still prefer pages (I hate endless page sites).
I prefer now, if only for the Gaming section. I do prefer the original look, though.
Honestly, I really like it. My main concern with the site was the ascetics, not the functionality of it. Not a fan of the white background and their dark background wasn't dark enough for me. Now that I got my dark userstyle done, I pretty much prefer this from old Bnet. Things like a possible return of our old saved threads and some private group functions would be a nice return though.
I honestly wished they hadn't changed the look so drastically. Although I do like the new features quite a lot. I guess my opinion of B.Next will be higher when they bring back titles.
I like it. They have come a long way since the new site first came up. Now I feel at home.
I think it's an unfair comparison to make at the moment - Bungie.old in it's heyday with a vibrant Halo community against which is in it's early stages. Bungie.old was comfortable and familiar, but it was beginning to show it's age. lays a great foundation, I feel that when we get to the full version of the website with Destiny social features and statistic tracking, it will eclipse the previous version of the site.
I preferred the old layout by far.
The only reason I have not been participating as much at is that I have been busy as -blam!- with other projects. I like the change and I miss you guys.
Still prefer .old by a landslide.
There's no fundamental difference in what it is now and what it was almost 4 months ago when it was launched and labeled as a "beta". It was shit then, it's shit now.
Yeah I'm used to it now, I'd be quite confused if it went back to the way it was
Edytowany przez użytkownika Hipi07: 4/26/2013 7:56:30 PMI despised it for a long time, but nowadays it's just there... It's nothing special anymore. Nothing unique. Something utterly forgettable. Were it not for private groups (which Bungie pretty much seemed to try to kill off) and Destiny, I would have most likely left this place. It's nothing like what it was back then and the layout and design is nowhere as near as attractive and easy flowing as it was then. This update was 2 steps forward and 5 steps backwards. And unfulfilled promises don't help either. I'm still here, hoping Bungie pulls their shit together and decides to act. I know they have more important things like getting Destiny through the doors, but why leave us with a half assed beta layout? The community has more than shown their dislike for the layout yet nothing is really done to drastically turn things to make everyone happy. Honestly, it feels sometimes like Bungie is pulling a 343 here. 'Just adapt' they said.
At first I hated it, still do kind of, but whateves. The thing that annoys me the most is how Political and Religious discussion is allowed. Mainly the latter though, what's been said in one Atheism thread or Theism thread has been said one way or another in all the other threads.
It was a little difficult to get used to but not I enjoy using it now. I really like the gaming forum and I love that the group announcements (public post) take the place of the old classifieds because they provide more attention for groups where as the classifieds went fairly unnoticed.
It's fine, but there are still a few adaptations that would make it so much better / easier.
Still indifferent sadly.
It's grand, though pages would still be nice.