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Edytowany przez użytkownika Pandoro: 6/29/2013 5:37:30 AM

a story of a remarkable man.

The history of our galaxy is one of rich tales. Victories and defeats. Reliant allies and Destructive enemies. This is a story exploring the birth of a hero. A hero by the name of Nick. So that none are confused, this is a little "series" if you will. I plan to continue adding more to this story and making it more in-depth. And like any well-written story, it will start off slow, and, in time, will pick up pace. Each "episode", i'll call it, will consist of a transmission (with the date), that explores the contents of the episode. The size of each episode will vary. In reality, this is the story of my character within Destiny. I've put much thought into it, and hope you enjoy. :) ________________________________________________________________________ [b]Transmission Database[/b] [Transmission - 9:42 AM, 6/28; Rick] {{Listen, I don't have long, so i'll make it quick. If your gonna do this, you do it now. This is your chance. I'll supply you with guns, but tha--- Damn it! They've breached the ship. Look, just remember 207 568 758. Tamry will know what they mean, just get them to--}} *Transmission abruptly ends* __ [Transmission - 7:24 PM, 6/29; Sam] {{Hey! I got my hands on some Intel, I have a feeling your gonna like. Got something on the whereabouts of Ol'Tamry. She was last seen.. dead. Oh, wait. That isn't good news. Crap. Apparently, the damn FOTC hunted her down like some sorta animal after the incident on the station. Or somethin' like that. Well, it may not be good news, but it's something! Right?}} [Transmission End - 7:26 PM, 6/29; Sam] ________________________________________________________________________ [b]|6:38 PM; 6/28|[/b] Glancing in an almost alien-like way at the Transmission Database, he begins searching through his mind, trying to decode the numbers that reside in front of him, only to be interrupted by the sudden realization something was amiss. An almost immediate spark of sureness entered his mind. He knew whatever he now held ownership to was crucial to the success of his mission. He leaned back in his chair, repeating the numbers in his head, 207 568 758, making no more progress each time. Then, as if by Ananke herself, he realized what more the message had to offer. He reminded himself of his ally's harmonious words, "Tamry will know what they mean". If he was to find answers. He'd need to find Tamry. ________________________________________________________________________

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