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po raz pierwszy umieszczony:Sociopaths United
8/3/2013 2:25:13 AM

Tired of Living in my Brothers Shadow

Now don't get me wrong my brother is not a bad guy, its just I'm sick and tired of being compared to him. I hate people expecting me to be just like him, and people always telling me all about him, I don't care. Especially when people ask me private questions about HIM I just want to tell them to fu­ck off. They act like he's some cool perfect guy, like OMG all the girls are infatuated by him, "hey, you should try being more like your brother", or "How come your brother's getting all the girls and you're not" . Even worse when a girl walks up to me and tries to have a conversation with me about him. It's like I can't be normal when I'm around him. It really sucks being seen as "his brother" and nothing else.

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