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8/11/2013 5:00:31 PM

Questions about Elysium (spoilers obvs)

If nobody up there ever gets older wh is Jodie Foster old as shit and the president is old and weird robot company CEO guy is old and everyone's old. Why isn't it like Brave New World where everyone stops getting old in their twenties and then they stay that way forever? Also, if they aren't allowed to use Mr. South Africa from District 9 to shoot people with rockets, do they have their own rockets? Clearly not cause it's terribly inefficient to shoot the rockets from Earth. What happens if there's a Asteroid? What happens if someone tried to attack? The Robots can't shoot guns from the surface. They would miss. Why ain't they got rockets? Also, how did Mr. South Africa's brain not get damaged? A grenade exploded RIGHT NEXT TO HIM and his face blew off but his brain is fine? Like what the hell. Also, that room with Matt Damon and the robots got like super hot as well as the radiation didnt it? Why doesn't he have any burns? Also, there's no way that everywhere in the world is as shitty as L.A. was. Like what about Hawaii or other Pacific islands? What about like Mt. Everest? Is that overpopulated? What about underwater? Why can't we make places underwater to live? Also, why don't the people of Elysium just charge people lots of money for legit medical care? It's a good way to make money cause everybody's legs are broken and stuff.

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