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Edytowany przez użytkownika Bistromathics: 11/13/2013 4:26:34 PM

PS4 Console + Game Review Hub

[url=][b]Polygon[/b] PlayStation 4 Review[/url] [quote]The PS4 hints at plenty of other possibilities... Unlike the PlayStation 3, Sony's latest effort was built to evolve... But the PlayStation 4's focus on gaming — and only gaming — is undermined by a distinct lack of compelling software. That failing is sure to improve — better games and more of them will appear on the PlayStation 4 — but right now, this is a game console without a game to recommend it. Early adopters of the PS4 this fall are buying potential energy. We're just waiting for a place to spend it. (7.5/10)[/quote][url=][b]The Verge[/b] PlayStation 4 First Impressions[/url] [quote]At first glance, it feels like Sony's gone a long way toward fixing what ailed the PS3, and toward enabling a much better and more impressive gaming experience going forward. It doesn't feel ambitious like the Xbox One, but it feels like a really solid gaming console. Of course, we're just getting started. We'll have plenty more — including our official review — soon.[/quote] [url=][b]Polygon[/b] Killzone Review[/url] [quote]That absence of meaningful evolution might be Killzone: Shadow Fall’s biggest sin. For all the next-gen bluster of its visuals and the repeated blunt-force attempts to ram a message home, Guerrilla’s first shot on the PS4 retreads shooter cliches, and poorly. In a launch lineup crowded with shooters, Killzone: Shadow Fall sits at the bottom. (5/10)[/quote][url=][b]IGN[/b] Killzone Review[/url] [quote]Shadow Fall represents the Killzone series’ coming-out party – out from being a plodding, gray war shooter through hours of bland, linear corridors. Now, it’s something else entirely. Its single-player campaign suffers from some AI issues and dabbling in non-shooter gameplay it’s just not good at, but it’s still an enjoyable romp that challenges you to really think about how you’re approaching each fight. And then there’s multiplayer, as hardcore as ever but with a level of accessibility that will allow Killzone’s online community to grow and flourish for some time to come. (8/10)[/quote][url=][b]Gamespot[/b] Killzone Review[/url] [quote]Wonderful visuals, Fantastic multiplayer maps diversify the action, Customizable warzones keep online play fresh, Story explores the ongoing conflict from a new, personal angle, Lackluster single-player firefights, Too much downtime that fails to instill tension, Underutilized attack drone. (7/10)[/quote][url=][b]Destructoid[/b] Killzone Review[/url] [quote]I like Killzone: Shadow Fall for its change of direction from previous series games, as well as its change of pace over other first-person shooters. Guerrilla has tried a few new things this time around, and should be commended as such. I welcome the almost sandbox-ish level approach, and the stealth segments did a nice job of breaking up the standard shooting action. It’s really nice when gameplay concepts win out over big set pieces and cinematic events. Oh, and it’s beautiful. A stunner. Killzone: Shadow Fall is the game that will make you happy to own a PS4. This needs to be on your PS4 launch game list. (9/10)[/quote][url=][b]Eurogamer[/b] Killzone Review[/url] [quote]It's all the more frustrating that Shadow Fall fails to establish that identity, because it gets so close in its early design and themes. It sets up an open-ended tactical shooter in a cynical world of sci-fi realpolitik - and then bottles it, taking the easy escape route of another suicide mission into empty spectacle. There's a lack of confidence here that contrasts starkly with Guerrilla's dazzling, sure-footed command of the new hardware. It's a game that any new PlayStation 4 owner will be proud to show off - but it won't be one they remember by the time PS5 rolls around. (7/10)[/quote] [url=][b]Polygon[/b] Knack Review[/url] [quote]Knack has too little going on over its 12 hour length. The core concepts are strong - it's fun to watch Knack grow bigger and smash things. The incredible imagination promised by the dawn of new hardware is on display in Knack. But the moments of payoff come too infrequently to make plodding through another three dozen frustrating enemies any less tedious. (6/10)[/quote][url=][b]IGN[/b] Knack Review[/url] [quote]Playing Knack is like watching a dull movie on a plane – it's tolerable if all you want is a way to pass the time, but it's not something you'd seek out for its own sake. I finished in about 11 hours and, challenges, co-op, and secrets aside, there's just not much here worth recommending. Sure, some individual elements show potential, particularly when the scale of the encounters changes as Knack grows, but it never moves beyond playing it safe with the concepts or the characters. (5.9/10)[/quote][url=][b]Gamespot[/b] Knack Review[/url] [quote]Knack's downfall is that it focuses entirely on combat, but doesn't offer enough variety or depth within its system to compel you onward. Any early thoughts you may have that there must be more to the punch-punch-repeat action than meets the eye are banished once you plow through hours of the same basic sequences. And even Knack's few attempts at diversity are merely competent. The occasional platforming scenario lacks the joy of movement so necessary for jumping to be engaging, and the platform placement doesn't require any cleverness to surpass. There's not one element of Knack to rally around, to excite you. And without that special something, Knack crumbles just like its piecemeal protagonist. (4/10)[/quote][url=][b]Destructoid[/b] Knack Review[/url] [quote]It’s easy to pick up, a joy to look at, and and some of the boss battles are pretty great. My recommendation is that you take it in smaller doses, or try out the drop-in/drop-out cooperative play, which will definitely help when the going gets tough. It’s not the next blockbuster platformer you'd want out of a launch title, but you need a break from shooters or want something with some personality, Knack is worth a look. (7/10)[/quote][url=][b]Eurogamer[/b] Knack Review[/url] [quote]Perhaps time was a factor, or perhaps Mark Cerny - the PlayStation 4 visionary who also led development of this game - is a better programmer and system architect than he is a writer and creative director. Whatever the answer, Knack isn't the kind of game you'll want to take home with your PlayStation 4. I'm all in favour of games that transport us back to the good old days of vibrant originality, but Knack simply doesn't. (4/10)[/quote] [url=][b]Polygon[/b] Resogun Review[/url] [quote]Resogun is a collision of 1980s shooters, 1990s bullet-hells and 2010s aesthetic. It's as simple or difficult as you want it to be. Sure, it borrows great ideas quite liberally. But Resogun's best idea is smashing them all together into a singular, spectacular laser light show. (8.5/10)[/quote][url=][b]IGN[/b] Resogun Review[/url] [quote]With some deceptively simple changes, Housemarque took a genre nearly as old as videogaming itself and made a tense, challenging, and excellent shooter. It may be short, but its addictive cycle of cylindrical shooter gameplay, great looks, and catchy music make it worth replaying in endless pursuit of that high score on the leaderboard. (9/10)[/quote][url=][b]Gamespot[/b] Resogun Review[/url] [quote] It's classic arcade action imbued with hard-hitting artistic and gameplay elements. Falling in love with Resogun is easy, and mastering it is challenging, and the combination of these two qualities makes Resogun almost impossible to put down. (8/10)[/quote][url=][b]Eurogamer[/b] Resogun Review[/url] [quote]Resogun really is that rare kind of arcade game that feels like an entirely different beast when played on the toughest setting. It's also the closest the PS4 launch line-up gets to offering a genuine next-gen thrill. Granted, Housemarque's not offering the shock of the new, perhaps - all of the developer's best ideas are actually reassuringly elderly - but it's working with energy, enthusiasm, precision and love. Oh, and voxels. Look at them scatter! (8/10)[/quote] [url=][b]Polygon[/b] Contrast Review[/url] [quote]Many of Contrast’s individuals parts are beautiful, special, funny and even a little profound. Viewed as a whole though, with a little distance, the end result is confusing and difficult to look at. Contrast is rushed, messy, and, just like that, it’s done. (4.5/10)[/quote][url=][b]IGN[/b] Contrast Review[/url] [quote]Contrast is a game full of heart, beauty, and at least a few excellent puzzles. It’s at its best when it marries its poignant story to its platforming, and at its weakest when it’s about moving boxes, but it rarely goes very long without showing us something worth playing. (7.5/10)[/quote]

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