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1/27/2014 9:31:07 PM

Tomb Raider capped at 30 FPS on the Xbox One [quote]Today, they've published their first look at the next-gen versions, focusing on a frame rate comparison. During gameplay, they've got the PS4 averaging 50.98fps and the Xbox One averaging 29.84fps, with more fluctuation on the PS4 version and a more consistent but lower frame rate on Xbox One.[/quote] I dunno who is responsible for this - whether it be Microsoft or the developer, but either way, this is unacceptable. If your console is capable of delivering higher than 30 FPS, why on Earth would you cap it? It makes ZERO sense to me. [spoiler]On a side note, I would like to point out that graphics wise, the only difference that I could spot was the lighting, and the lighting on the PS4 is a bit better, but that's not a big deal really.[/spoiler]

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