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2/4/2014 1:22:33 AM

ReRoll: A extremely ambitious game

[url=]Basic info[/url] [quote]That's the basic idea behind ReRoll. In development at Pixyul, a new studio created by two former Ubisoft developers, ReRoll uses civilian aerial drones to capture images from all over the globe which are then stitched together to create the in-game world. Further, ReRoll employs a "Reality Sync System," that takes real-time environmental data from our reality and feeds it into the game. If it's snowing in Chicago, ReRoll's virtual rendition of the Windy City will likewise be blanketed in fluffy white flakes, Pixyul claims. Little is known of ReRoll's gameplay, though its developers describe the game as a survival action-RPG. "To subsist, you need to eat, rest, exercise, learn, fight but most of all find all the different ways to survive," reads the game's official description. While no release date has been established for ReRoll, Pixyul has set up a crowdfunding effort on the game's website. As with most fundraising attempts, those who contribute money to the development of ReRoll will earn exclusive swag in exchange for their blind faith in the project - in this case, weaponry and vehicles to be used in the game.[/quote] [url=]Developer's website.[/url] [b][u]Character[/u][/b] [quote]ReROLL feature a deep and massive skill tree system which mimic (and simplify) reality.Survival-First-Aid-Kit In other words, nothing prevent your character from learning anything you wants as long as he has: The prerequisites (ex: you can’t jump to paramedic skills without learning basic first aid skills) Access to knowledge and/or tools to practice Time To be clear, ReROLL do noes have any traditional class system, you build your own character the way you want. Nothing prevents you to learn bakery and explosive (and then maybe get creative in using both ?) However when you reach a certain combination of skills you will unlock titles and/or diploma (which are organised in class: “Hobby set”, “Pro set” etc….) which in return unlock new crafting possibilities.[/quote] [b][u]Combat[/u][/b] [quote]Fighting in ReROLL will be as diverse as you can imagine in a real life situation. Raiding a supermarket under guard by a heavy armed faction will requires massive firepower, some tactical skills and few friends to make sure you have a solid coop group. It’s going to be loud and there will be blood but if you’re lucky the loot will make your raid worthy. However, sometime you will be better riding a bike, alone, at night, silently taking down whoever block your path and avoiding attention at all cost because if the rumors are true…not everything can be stopped with an assault rifle. Crafting will make you incredibly resourceful: it’s amazing what you can do with few empty cans, some nails and some cleaning products. Whether you like it or not, learning to fight will help you do one thing: SURVIVE! [/quote] [b][u]Crafting[/u][/b] [quote]Crafting covers a large spectrum of activities, like farming, handloading, fixing and customizing your car…and many others. Crafting is not the only alternative as you can always raid/loot, trade with your friends or buy from some NPCs. However self-subsistence is NEVER a bad thing in a survival situation. Note: Crafting is not a class, it’s a series of skills that anyone can learn (see Character Evolution / Skill System above). At launch, we expect to cover two big “crafting areas” revolving around: food and mechanical stuffs. If you want to specialize in crafting in general you can either:[/quote] [b][u]Environment[/u][/b] [quote]Exploration is one of the key pillars of ReROLL, while our very first playable BRICK playground will be small for production reasons. Our attention is to cover the largest and most diverse zone(s) as possible including all possible biomes (natural and urban).[/quote] [b][u]Real world[/u][/b] [quote]This connection is done through the Reality System Sync (RSS): The game time is synchronized with UTC Weather and temperature are directly pulled from reality to be re-injected into the game weather system. So, if your character is in New-York and right now (in the real world) it’s 5 AM, raining and chilling in New-York, then your Character will experience the same conditions in the game. Your character is “active” in the world even when you’re not connected Time is a very important resource in the game, combined with the skill tree system it’s also your best ally to train your character. Making sure your character is doing relevant things when you’re not playing in front of your computer is a key strategy for survival. Using the Activity Tracker you will be able to manage your character’s schedule like you would manage your own agenda (from a browser or using your smartphone).[/quote] This is about the most ambitious game i have ever heard of. What do y'all think about this? Are you like some people, do you expect it to fail before it ever starts? Or do you think it will get funding and eventually made? Discuss below.

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