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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
3/13/2013 2:24:20 AM

Bungie please tell me Night Vision is in Destiny?

Something incredibly useful in Halo Reach's Firefight was Night Vision. A slight green tinge that created a drab lens over the terrain, but incredibly useful in discerning the movement of the Ai compared to normal vision. It was just easier to make out what the legs were doing so you could figure the next move of the lunging Elite. Can we please get that in Destiny as well as other forms of HUD sights to deal with the Alien Ai. It doesn't have to be Promethean Vision but you know gamers have always been salivating for a good thermal vision as well a sonar sight. Skies the limit in Destiny and tech that is awesome will be greatly appreciated against the Ai.

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