Simple question, what's more important to you in H2A?
Campaign and it have a plethora of features(achievements, graphics, CEA style graphics switching, terminals, co-op, etc...).
Multiplayer(full mp experience that we know of, with upgraded graphics. Ranks, ranked/unranked playlists, full map set, etc...).
I really didn't get to full experience the Halo 2 multiplayer back in the day when it was at it's peak. I play Halo 2 from time to time on PC but all people play is 1 hour CTF games on Coagulation where 1 team is pretty much spawn camping the other
Neither. Halo 2 is garbage.
Campaign as I only played the first 2-4 missions
Definitely more of a Campaign person - though I did think Halo 2's was one of the weakest. Still, would be cool to play it again with the same incredible treatment CEA got. More lore via terminals would be awesome, as well. SP, beefed up with extra stuff, gets my vote 100%. Saying that, I hope to see a MP that brings back the masses. Would be nice to play online, knowing there's a bustling community again - all pouring back to revel in the nastalgia.
Multiplayer. 343i might be able to copy paste a good multiplayer..... but we can only hope.
While I did play Halo 2 multiplayer at other people's houses, I've always been more of a story/campaign person. Still, I like a good, strong multiplayer.
Multiplayer??? No...
I never got to experience the MP feel for halo 2. So that's what I'll want
I know I've posted, but I need to ask: are you on Waypoint? I swear, I've seen your username before...
I would have to say multilayer. Update the graphics but leave the multiplayer alone. Leave it original. Halo 2 and its multiplayer is what made xbox what it is today basically. Look at all the countless hours we put into that game 10 years ago. To get that same feeling back with better graphics would be glorious.i believe this would bring xbox one up to #1.
It is all about the multiplayer. If someone wants to play the campaign they can still play the campaign on the old disc however you cannot still play the multiplayer on XBL. As long as they leave the multiplayer untouched all of the players who joined Halo after halo 2 will get to see why it is considered to be the best most competitive Halo multiplayer ever,
For me Halo 2 was always about multiplayer, never felt much love for the Campaign. I'm worried that 343 will do the same thing they did with HCEA. Remaster the Campaign but release it with no multiplayer.
Campaign. I bet the Ballchinian Hierarchs will look simply [i]stunning[/i]. Seriously, though, I'd love to see the Campaign get the [i]Anniversary[/i] treatment.
MP for Halo 2. I wouldn't mind for 343i to completely redo the single player. I know people might get defensive over this, but like it or not, it wasn't properly finished.
Less talking more Zanzibar.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Reign of Bane: 5/22/2014 2:45:09 AMBoth, I am greedy. I may be wrong as this may have been confirmed otherwise but i Don't think they will do a multiplayer unless the use an upgraded Reach or H4 engine. I think they will save the multiplayer for H5. Unless they use H2 anni or the rumoured Halo Compilation thingy as a beta test for the Halo 5 mp engine?
Campaign. Although full MP would be beyond kickass, I still want to see High Charity in a new engine.
Both are important to me since I don't have my Halo 2 disc anymore. I vote for multiplayer though. When it comes to Halo I always value multiplayer a bit more.
Campaign. Multiplayer will just get shut down again.
Campaign with an extended ending.
If I want to play the campaign, I can pop my old disc. Multiplayer on the other hand is inaccessible online.
I played like a dozen games tops of H2 MP, so... Campaign all the way. :D
Being on the 360.
LOLOLOLOL Multiplayer