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Edytowany przez użytkownika Prehistoric: 6/14/2014 9:45:12 PM

Offline: Destiny Alpha Live Stream for Xbox Players

Edit: We're offline. If you have any questions about the alpha, please place them in this thread. I will answer them with the best of my ability. Now, as most of you know, the Destiny Alpha is exclusive to PS4. While I'm personally unaffected by this (I own a PS4), it seems like a dick move on the publisher's part. Despite this, though, I've decided to live stream the Alpha, taking any and all requests from you guys! Want to see me walk around the tower backwards? I'll do it. Want to see me engage in PvP with only melee? Got it. Want to see me wear something else, craft something else, or [i]do[/i] something else? I will. You request what you want to see. If it's within my power, I'll make it happen. If you would like to play with me, my PSN ID is "Kxl-El". I would be honored to be your partners. Just join the stream, sign into your account (or make one if you don't already have one) and ask away! We had some great conversations today, and some laughs. And that's all, guardians. See you star-side. [Please ask your questions in the Twitch comment section. That way, I will see what you're asking on the side of my screen.]

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