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Edytowany przez użytkownika DopeDynasty: 6/17/2014 2:37:09 AM

Double Jump Fixes!!!

Yes They Should Buff


No It's fine They Way It Is


Just Get Rid Of It


Those things are useless. You know the double jump effects? They need to really buff these things or get rid of them. What do you think? In more detail, I mostly have problems with the glide mechanics. It sometimes seems unsmooth, especially with canceling the glide. Also when you miss a platform by an inch maybe have an option to pull yourself up as suggested below.

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  • Edytowany przez użytkownika SirTheProper: 6/17/2014 3:36:33 AM
    I can understand some frustration with the mechanics, as they definitely take getting used to, and not all of the ones that we had access to were super amazing in PVP, but the game is more than that. I spent hours. I mean a lot of hours. 20hrs 32 mins Hunter, 8hrs 26mins Warlock, 16hrs 52mins Titan I liked all of them for different reasons and when you got to the maximum that you could get, including the including the improved direction control that each had, I found them to be great. Keep in mind if you looked at the skill tree each of them gets upgraded more. I could agree that a ledge grab would be nice. but I think it should also come at the cost of not being able to fire your weapon during that animation. As it stands all of them had much more to offer, like triple jump as a hunter. I don't know about you but I found that I could cover a lot of ground with any of them. They just all worked differently. Glide is probably the trickiest, but the one with the most flexibility. Glide only works on current velocity. If you wanted to go up you had to use it while you were still accelerating up, use it for distance you had to use it when your velocity is transitioning from upwards to downwards, right at that peak you could glide for a very long time. You could always just use it as a decent control as well. Double jump was fun and had many interesting uses. You could use it to cover ground faster as the jump speed was comparable if not faster than the run speed. Also since it was always another whole jump you could wait til it was almost finished before jumping again, to cover great distances. Lift is the most blunt instrument of the three and slowest as far as mobility, but it was very helpful as well. I found it to be the one with the longest horizontal range, as you could do the same thing as the hunter, but since the duration of the lift was longer it would carry you much further. If used when your acceleration was greatest, sometimes, it would skyrocket you up as the combined force was used. Lots of fun. I look forward to how they behave with the further growth of each of them. I for one would not change the mechanics of any of them, and maybe only suggest a 'weapons down' ledge grab at least for clearly defined and intended ledges.

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