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Rekrutacja do klanów

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Edytowany przez użytkownika Krutorian: 7/22/2014 4:41:23 PM

Vendetta is recruiting for more points and glory!

There are some achievements and stuff that can be gained when in a clan, even in the Beta. Please join up with Vendetta if you'd like to partake! This invitation is to anyone who'd be interested in helping test and explore the clan features, grimoire score, and associated rewards. Let me know if you'd like to be an officer. The idea is simple, no real rules, per say, just join and play the game like you want to. However, most of the clan oriented stuff does require full groups of clan members to achieve them, so obviously you'll want to either reach out to clan members to have them join you to do stuff with you, or you will want to see what clan members are up to and offer to join them in the lofty enjoyment of this amazing game. This clan will allow random Fireteam invites and it is encouraged that you do so, within reason. I'm also looking for a few Clan leaders to setup an alliance with Vendetta. This will also be for testing and to see if there are any associated rewards.

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