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7/28/2014 6:56:41 AM

Tools to PvP Success

To begin, I played the f*** out of Destiny beta Crucible PvP... And got really damn good. Along with this I noticed that my success was based on a few different things that I consider to be my "Tools to Success" in the Crucible. In order of importance: 1. Strafing & Shooting - Your ability to consistently shoot at a target at the same time you can quickly move left to right quickly is what makes the difference in 70% of medium and short range fights. You will be amazed how many times you can dodge a scout rifle or a shotgun blast by just moving left and right. 2. Map knowledge / Radar tracking - I feel that these two factors deserve the same category as they really work off of eachother in this game. Map knowledge allows you to get into the spots with the best cover and vision over the high traffic spots on the map, while Radar tracking allows you to effectively use the radar to predict enemy movement based on the colour and position of the red spots. Once I became comfortable with the maps, I was able to look at my radar and simply know exactly where the enemy was based on my map knowledge and radar tracking. Quickly I was able to take advantage of this, being able to set myself in areas where there are only a few routes in ( A zone on Moon) and rack up defender points. 3. Headshots - Headshots are easy in this game, aim for it as best as you can while not sacrificing gun fights. This allows you to pull off very efficient gun fights and often I find Headshots lead to double and triple kill openings as you kill people so fast that many times they barely get shields down. However, many times if you dodge bullets or get the first shot, you don't NEED the headshots anyway. 4. Super Ability - Whether you can effectively use your super or often times is what seperates players on the scoreboard, and can often times get you out of situations where you would most likely die in. However, as you do not get your super very many times in a game, your skill with your super doesn't make or break you're game in the crucible. 5. Jumping - Being comfortable with a classes jump allows for you to effectively move throughout the map. However as most of the classes cannot shoot when they jump, this is not valued that highly in terms of importance. Skill with the jump comes with experience, and can sometimes give you a slight advantage in gunfights, but many times it leaves you in a predictable path that is easy to shoot (and headshot on the moon). 6. Vehicle / Heavy weapon - This also comes with experience, heavy machine guns are all that I used and I pulled off 4 kills minimum most of the time. In terms of vehicles, the interceptor can lead to some huge point totals early and having them both can often lead to victory. Pikes take a lot of practice but can be utilized well once you have it mastered. Sparrow can be used as a getaway mechanic to get away from sure death scenarios if you can predict them. Just my opinion though. PSN: iWrathful

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