1) If I live in central time and if I get the hard copy at midnight release will I be able to play at midnight central time or will I have to wait until 2am to play?
2) If I live in central time and if I get the digital copy (preloaded) will I be able to play at midnight central time or will I have to wait until 2am to play?
3) Why does gamestops website say 9am central standard time on 9/9 to be able to play destiny's digital download copy?
4) If I do pick the game up at midnight or have it downloaded at midnight central time will I only be able to play campaign then and not PvP?
Sorry if this is confusing but my god I am used to picking up a game at midnight and playing right away so this is not consistent with other midnight (central time) releases.
You play AT MIDNIGHT with the hard copy, pvp, pve whatever doesn't make a difference Digital you play at 2am /thread
1. Midnight Central as the servers will be up. 2. 2 AM Central when MS and Sony unlock the digital editions. 3. GameStop is sending codes for MS or PS money at 9 AM to use to download from the respective stores. 4. You can't play PvP until you get a character to level 5.
From what I have read in 20 different places. It's... 12am PST 3am EST
Edytowany przez użytkownika X 5I5O: 9/7/2014 9:54:17 PMDouble posted. Do'h!
i live about 50 miles away from the closest gamestop i went digital i find it really shitty that i have to wait until 09/10/14 3:00am to play it to be honest i really don't give a -blam!- i still love bungie
DeeJ has responded. Whenever you get the game at midnight wherever you get it whatever time zone your in you will be able to play the game. ninjadragonkllr What time will the servers be open for the public in North America and worldwide? When it is September 9th somewhere in the world, and you have access to your very own version of Destiny, it will be time for you to create a character that will keep you company for a good, long time. Retailers will stick to time-zones. Our servers won’t know the difference. Retailers will break street date. Our servers won’t.
This is something that I am also concerned about! I have attended many midnight releases to come right home and start playing, so why would Destiny be different? I live on the east coast and I was considering a digital copy instead of going to get the game at midnight, but all the talk of not playing the digital copy until 3am EST makes no sense to me. If I purchase a digital copy and live on the east coast then I should have access to the game, considering I can drive 10 mins down the road and buy a physical game and play. I hope that we get some more clarification on what the deal is.
If you live in Pacific, go digital. If you live anywhere else in the USA, go physical unless you dont plan to pick up the game until the morning.
I live in central zone too and got the game digitaly but cant play it until 2am in the morning,...but if I go to the store, I could uv played at midnite.. the reason I by digital, is so I get it at midnite and don't have to drive...why do the even let us pre load ?if we cant play until 2 or 3 am ?The download it self wont take 3 hour....weird,somebody at PLAYSTATION or BUNGIE SHOULD LOOK INTO WHY THIS IS THE WAY IT IS.... THANKS still cant wait to play ...jus 3 hours after everyone else.
Edytowany przez użytkownika Bilbo Fraggins: 8/20/2014 3:27:40 PMIdk who bumped this, but its already been addressed. 12am, PST. Do the math for your time zone.
Why would this game be any different than other games? I live in EST. Any game i have been to a midnight release of that has a multiplayer mode. Like Cod for example. i have been able to go home and play online right away. A whole 3 hours before people in california can even purchase the game. How/why would this time be any different. After all,3 hours isnt that much of a headstart. There is always someone who is goin to have some sort of headstart or more playtime available to them. For them to let me buy something I can not play just seems kinda odd. Thats tellin everyone that just because you cant play, no one else can either,even though they own the game.
darn it, I pre ordered my digital copy and will be preloading on the 7th but wont be able to play until 3am since I live on the East coast (USA)
Okay, I'm going to state that I am in the same boat as you first. I'm on central time and I was debating between my already preordered hard copy with gamestop and the digital copy. After 3 days I decided to go with the digital and it is downloading as I'm typing this. Here's why. Hard copy you can play at midnight central time and digital you have to wait till 2am buttttt by the time you get back from gamestop and download it, you will probably only have to wait 30 or 40 mins before it's 2am. It takes a while to sit in line, driving back, and then the extra long download. Now why wait an extra 30 mins? You get 2 discounted dlcs and if you only got the standalone version, you actually have the chance to get some content from the ghost edition. You also get all of the stuff that you would have gotten with your standalone hard copy. Plus everything is already downloaded so...no typing in codes before you get to play. I was at first going to stick with the hard copy but now it seems like the better option is digital. Hope this helps!
Bungie's servers are already online, people are playing right now. You can play any hard copy whenever you get the game regardless of where you live. Most digital copies unlock at 12am local time to adhere to the release date. American digital downloads unlock at 12 pst because all Americans use the same PSN/XBL store. If they released at 12 eastern, then MS/Sony would be breaking release agreements with the publisher because they would effectively be releasing the game hours early for players on the west coast. Now everyone stop asking.
Edytowany przez użytkownika kaliko701: 9/5/2014 2:20:55 AMRetailer midnight release (physical): your time midnight PSN digital: 12 am pacific time XLive digital: 12 am pacific time Here's my question according to gamestops website digital release is 12:01 central time but isn't the digital download done through PSN which doesn't unlock until 12 pacific time??? How will the digital download from gamestop work as far as playable time?
Edytowany przez użytkownika Azrael1280: 8/14/2014 6:52:33 PMAs of now I have not seen anything from Bungie or Activision stating when the servers would be opening up. All there is on the forums is speculation based off of the way they launched the Beta. It really makes no sense why Bungie would support midnight releases in Europe and then screw over the customer base by waiting 9 hours to launch the servers.
I have to wait till after school witch is 7 hours!!!!!!!!!!!
Digital stores (sony & Microsoft ) both state playable at 9/9 12 pacific time. So it doesn't matter what bungie states if they will not unlock the games to be playable until that time. Could this change given bungie stance? Sure. But as of now my counter states 9/9 3am est. (12 pacific)
God, a lot of you are WAY too concerned about this. If you have to wait a few more hours, it's not the end of the world. The game isn't going anywhere
When ever you get the game on 9/9 you can play. Digital copies wait till 12 pst, that's not Bungie's decision that's Microsoft and Sony. Also pvp will be unlocked once you reach level 5
More importantly, why doesn't Bungie themselves come out and say, "HEY, THIS IS WHAT WE ARE GONNA DO, SPECIFICALLY." It would really filter out a lot of these threads. Maybe in the next update.
So if this has been addressed then why is there so much confusion. http://theguardiansofdestiny.com/2014/08/19/guardian-radio-episode-74/ Go here and fast forward to 1 hour 13 minutes to listen to the people who probably have the most insight to this game as far as fans go.....bottom line they aren't even sure.
Here is my take on the subject. I have pre-ordered the digital guardian edition on PS4 and the countdown timer is consistent with a 2am release CST (I live in the midwest). I am hoping that timer changes when I am able to preload the game. I would think that once it is on my hard drive, when I open Destiny it will take me to an actual countdown provided within the Destiny game. I don't think they will force us to go to the ps store and look at that timer. Its really just a placeholder. I hope that the timer we (theoretically) get in Destiny after preload will be accurate to each time zones release time. I seems logical to me that Sony included the first timer with the preorder in the PS store to keep us excited and give us a place to look and see how many days it will be until launch. I guarantee that this PS store timer was never considered by Bungie as a means to inform the public of when each individual will be able to log on and play. As far as all of the legal text saying "Destiny will be Available 9/9/2014 12am PST". They had to put the release date on the PS store and all of their advertising materials, Bungie is located in the Pacific time zone, so that is the time they put. Who knows, maybe I'm just in denial and I wont be able to log in until 2am (CST) launch night. But I've waited this long, I can wait two more hours if I must. I trust Bungie to do what they have to do to try and provide the best launch possible for everyone. They want this to be a successful launch even more than we do. Hopefully we will get official clarification from Bungie soon. But I don't see any reason for them to publicly promise that everyone will be able to log on at midnight local time on 9/9. If launch doesn't go as smoothly as planned and there are server issues keeping people from getting logged in, it would open up Bungie to a lot of criticism for not delivering on a promise they never had to make in the first place. One thing I am sure of is that Bungie will be spending all day and night on the 8th and 9th of September getting everyone logged into the game as quickly and smoothly as possible.
To be honest no idea. The PSN store says 12am Pacific, but they also let you predownload early. GameStop says 9am EST to even start the download. So just to be safe I bought the digital guardian from the PSN store
Edytowany przez użytkownika JDrz: 8/15/2014 3:19:15 AMThe servers will be active ahead of release, theres precautions already in place to stop people playing ahead of time without authorization (fines to stores etc.) There are always people who get legit early copies of games (employees, journalists, youtubers) and they need to be accessible, Bungie or more precisely activision isnt going to hold the servers hostage. They will be up days before release, like other online check in games. Theoretically ig you could convince your console you were on the east coast, west coast players could be playing digital copies at 9pm. Just not sure if it goes by user entered data or ip address