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9/17/2014 3:26:20 PM

In Clan but Not in Clan

I joined a Group then joined the Playstation Clan. However, when I log into Destiny, there is no Clan tag under my name and I do not get the trophies associated with completing Strikes, etc. with all Clan members in my fireteam. Another Clan member had the same issue and they had read in forum posts to leave the clan and go back. This worked for them, but not for me. I've even tried leaving the group and going back in. We also tried kicking me from the group and going back in. My latest attempt was to leave the clan, wait 24 hours, and then go back in. Nothing has worked. This may be unrelated, but a friend tried to view my profile on but they received a message saying that I had not linked my Playstation account with While I have linked my xbox, facebook, and playstation accounts, I actually sign in with my Playstation account info every time I come here. How do I join a clan and have it actually show up in the Destiny game?

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