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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
Edytowany przez użytkownika ninemil: 10/5/2014 4:10:44 AM

Honest Trailers does Destiny

" everyone bitches and moans about a game we can't stop playing." This. Definitely one of those games that on the face of it, you're absolutely obliged to hate, yet can't stop playing at all. I don't know if it's the difficulty curve, or the complete lack of filler, or the throwbacks to early co-op Quake, but this game is a ridiculous amount of fun to play. Worst of all, when Activision start shovelling DLC cut from the main game at us, I just know I'll be snapping it up the moment it releases. It's like every bad precedent that Blizzard and WoW ever set, all over again. And I just don't care ;) Definitely the best MMO-RPG-FPS-CCG -blam!-up that I've ever played. No, wait. The only MMO-RPG-FPS-CCG -blam!-up that I've ever played :D And I. Just. Can't. Stop. Playing :D

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