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Edytowany przez użytkownika SquareFantasy: 10/10/2014 4:14:27 AM

Breaking News: Tower Parking Fees?

In a recent and controversial statement Amanda Holliday, local Tower Shipwright, stated she believed that there should be some form of manageable Parking System for Guardian's and their ships considering the recent surge in Guardian population. [i]"There needs to be some sort of system for maintaining the ships in an orderly fashion and if that means we have to pay someone to do it then maybe we should charge for the service."[/i] --Amanda Holliday in response to questions about Guardians having a delay when entering/leaving the tower. While no official comment has been put forth by the Speaker or City Officials it is the belief of most Guardians that such a system will not come to pass. Many Guardians believe that their roles as defenders of humanity should at least entitle them to free parking if nothing else. Others claim that Amanda Holliday herself is simply looking for a Payday since the sharp decline in her business selling ships. And still others question why she continually paints ships given to her in schematics that horrible Bronze color. Is she colorblind perhaps? Theories abound. With no direct action being taken and even less comment from reliable sources we will simply have to adopt a "wait and see" posture on this very hotbutton issue.

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