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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
11/18/2014 9:16:13 PM

This game has been out for 2 months and 9 days as of today...

Title says it all... this game is still relatively new. It sure as sh!t does a better job at updates, listening, and working to appease an impossible player population than DCUO, and a host of other games. The devs OBVIOUSLY got crippled by some sort of unanticipated complication that probably was corporate's fault. Do you REALLY think the developers sat around and purposefully decided to shoot their hard work, time, and energy in the proverbial foot on purpose?! Or was it more likely someone left for another company, or some other sort of personnel change? Or maybe some idiot old guy in a suit just decided to sh!t all over what they had planned because someone in marketing decided to drag things out via DLC? Who knows? Pull it together people, do some reading on the video game industry. It's just like any other job though really... how many times has management at your job made some decision that made NO sense and ruined things for employees and clients? Dang... show some love for our fellow nerds & geeks who bust their assess to try and make great games. Something happened... we don't know what.. stop busting their stones and get some perspective. I appreciate your hard work devs. Keep fighting the good fight. Thank you for what you've done.

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