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Edytowany przez użytkownika FTG Red Hood: 12/25/2014 12:11:02 PM

And, you guessed it, More Improvements and Solutions for Destiny

[b]Lightweight Mystery Stat[/b]- Many of you have seen the Lightweight perk on items like the Ice Breaker. It reads, "When held, this weapon grants +2 character Agility." I'm not sure about any of you, but I ask myself, "How much of a difference does +2 Agility even make?" There is no base number set for a character's Agility and no way to really tell how much +2 improves your Agility. If it were to say x2, we'd all know ourselves to move twice as fast and jump twice as high. Give us some way to tell how much improvement +2 Agility really is. Maybe a base number of what our Agility is normally at without the perk. Let it show up under where our Strength, Intellect, and Discipline are shown in our inventories. This would help a player to decide how worth using this upgrade is at all. [b]Ghost Shells[/b]- When the Beta for this game first came out, I managed to find a ghost shell once. It was kinda cool and I loved using it because not everyone had found one. Since the game launched however, I've yet to find anyone and don't know a single person who has. The only ghost shell variation I do have is from preordering this game. The Frontier Ghost Shell is the only ghost variation I know of. My question to Bungie is, "What happened? Why can I not find ghost shells anymore?" I have a few solutions! Make ghost shell variations available for purchase in the Tower. Make ghost shell variations able to be found, but rare that they are found. It would be much like finding a ship in a chest or exactly like finding a ship in a chest, finding a ghost shell in a chest. Give us ghost shells that are themed for Iron Banner, Queen's Wrath, Crota's End, Vault of Glass, Vanguard, Crucible, Dead Orbit, Future War Cult, New Monarchy and any other factions or upcoming events. This would put a real spark in the excitement of the gamers and make them want to show off their new ghosts. [b]Sparrows[/b]- I love the idea of giving us an upgrade through Xur to make our Legendary Sparrows and that the jet streams come in many different colors. The thought I have is that it's a shame there aren't more interesting looking Sparrows out there. Maybe some more color variations and even pattern variations. It would be cool to have a Lime Green Sparrow with a red jet stream. Maybe I want a themed Sparrow. I think it'd be awesome if each Faction sold it's very own Sparrows also. I can buy one from a Crucible Vendor or a Vanguard Vendor, why not from the other Factions too?

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