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Edytowany przez użytkownika Averrent: 12/16/2014 12:52:32 AM

Vex Mythoclast, Thorn, thunder lord

Bungie, I have to say Destiny is an amazing game but there are a few things about it I'd like to discuss. Vex Mythoclast- Good in Pve but in Pvp its just not that great I'm constantly gunned down by people with the suros regime even if I have the drop on the player maybe a minor buff for Pvp on the vex mytho is in order. Thunder lord- I love this gun but sadly its recoil is everywhere with little to no accuracy please take a look into the matter. Thorn- I and many of my friends that I play with have this weapon love it but find the non-resetting damage over time effect irritating and find it only good to keep an enemies shields down. Whats your favorite gun in destiny? My youtube channel- Order of Glass(clan)-

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