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Edytowany przez użytkownika Faliz18: 1/3/2015 4:03:38 AM

What other forums/boards do you frequent?

I spent countless hours on the WoW forums back when I played. Specifically the general discussion section, where everyone complained about frost mages and how everything was better during Burning a Crusade. I also went on my Warrior class board where all the PvPers bitched about nerfs. Since Waypoint was updated I've spent some time over there. Mods are still trash but at least the site functions properly now. Used to go to MCC section but all people do is complain about matchmaking and how 343 killed Halo. So now I go to H5 where people complain about how it doesn't "feel" like Halo and how 343 is turning the series into CoD. I go to Gamefaqs pretty often. I've developed a reputation on the Zelda Wii U board for being a troll, because expressing your dislike for Skyward Sword makes you a troll in the eyes of the Nintendo apologists. Also used to be on the Halo 4 board, which is not even kidding the absolute worst community I've ever seen. A bunch of MLG kids from the H2 era trolling everyone else. [url=]Example.[/url] Lately I've been going to the forums on SECRant. Normally I stick the to the University of Georgia and the general SEC Discussion board but it's fun to go to the University of Alabama board and watch people bitch about Nick Saban. The site also made me realize that even on sports forums there are trolls. Ohio State people go to the Bama board and troll while Ducks fans pop out of nowhere. [url=]Seriously there are so many trolls.[/url]

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