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1/8/2015 7:44:14 PM

Crucible confusion

Ran the Dark Below control crucible match and my team won. Rewards listed were gear, rep and marks. Noticed gear rewards seem to be assigned random. Are marks and rep the same way since I didn't get a single mark for the team win at all. My warlock that I ran on is light lvl 29 so I meet the lvl 18 requirement for marks and everything I've found so far says that you get 3 marks per win. So totally confused on why I didn't get any marks at all......

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  • Looking like the issue may be the curse of the hidden warlock bond I have. While it doesn't say anything about rep/mark gains on it and it doesn't affect my vanguard marks/rep, it seems to prevent the crucible marks/gains. May be a bug since as I said, it doesn't mention anything about rep/mark gains on it.

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