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Edytowany przez użytkownika Tolus Dimethios: 2/2/2015 7:28:21 PM

Scrub Life Chronicles II: Buckle Up Meg

Officer: Good morning sir. Know why I stopped you? Suspect: No officer, not really... Was I speeding? My speedometer said 65 sir. I'm sure of it. Officer: No, you were doing 65 alright. Kinda slow for a BMW especially an M5 but still ok. You aren't wearing a seatbelt sir. Still. And I thought I saw you texting as well. Can I see your phone? Suspect: Oh wow... Yeah... I didn't even notice officer. I had a really bad situation just develop and it distracted me so much I forgot to put my seatbelt on. Here's my phone... Officer: Uh huh... So you were distracted and texting I see. Bad job interview it says here to... Is this your wife or Mom or sister or what? Suspect: No that's my wife officer. Am I in a lot of trouble here? I'm a lawyer but I rarely do criminal cases involving traffic laws. Officer: Lawyer eh? Explains the car I guess. I'm gonna need your license and registration sir and here's a receipt for your phone. It may be used as evidence against you in court and I'm seizing it now accordingly. Suspect: Oh man... Shit shit shit... This is the worst damn day... Officer: Dispatch, got a 215 with a 470 here. Says he's a lawyer... Need the usual rundown please. Dispatch: Ummm... Looks ok till you get to his inventory screen. Good k/d... Grimiore at 2800...even has a revenant shader... But no Gjhallarhorn... And, you'll love this, an IB with no shard. Oh and he has that stupid lime green Russian ship that's just a fu cking eye sore. Officer: Dispatch... Uh... Copy that. Can I get scrub confirmation on this one? Dispatch: Confirmed. Suspect is a scrub. He matches the description of someone we're looking for. Officer: Copy dispatch. Will update when suspect is in custody. Suspect: Whoa! Whoa whoa officer!?! Why is your gun out? Officer: Keep your hands where I can see em scrub! Out of the car and on the ground right now! Suspect: But why? What did I do? I was just texting... God I'm sorry... Officer: You're sorry alright Meg... Fake 32 with no Ballerhorn and missing a shard? Seriously? How could you have played this long and not gotten a good drop? Don't even say anything... You can't even shard your Ice Breaker... I bet you bought it from fu cking Xur too... Disgusting... A scrub and a Xurner... Suspect: Please don't do this... It's just a game officer... Officer: A game!?! Just a game huh? I guess all this is.just a game huh? You don't even have your priorities right scrub. You should have spent less time in college and more time gettin gud but no... Just a game... Life's just knowledge and success to scrubs like you. You don't even begin to get what's really important... You'll never even get close to being on my level... Makes me sick... Now get in the car... You make one sound back there and I'll swear you wanna resist arrest... Probly plays a fu cking hunter...

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