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Dyskutuj o wszystkim, co dotyczy Destiny.
Edytowany przez użytkownika StupidSlinky: 2/3/2015 3:46:07 PM

How is it that..

..People get so butthurt and have such a superiority complex over minor details in a game?? Is it that most of them are spoiled kids or pimply faced teens that can't get laid, so they think their "badass" (and I stretch that to no end) guardian makes them a god? Lol kiddos you make me laugh with your [i]noob[/i], [i]Xmas noob[/i], and [i]scrub[/i] comments. And Bungie, whatever happened to your [b] treat everyone with respect[/b] part of your [url=] CoC[/url]?? I think you guys should just remake the bungie/destiny forums into Chan board. Damn near same mentality and content and lack of mods. Except more boobs.... Which would counter the rage from some of these douches.

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