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Edytowany przez użytkownika dirtypeasant: 3/2/2015 2:41:06 PM

You can only choose 3 weapons for the entire game

If you could only choose one load out for the entire game, this means all raids, nightfalls, missions, crucible, iron banner etc. what would it be and why? I would choose: Word of Crota Longbow Synth (Arc) Gjallarhorn This would give me each elemental damage type, let me have a hand cannon (my favorite primary type), and give me the jelly horn for taking down Crota. Not to mention a decent crucible loadout. Edit: You still can't equip more than one exotic. Edit2: Looks like the most popular choices are: Fatebringer/Word of Crota/Fang of IY Black Hammer/Icebreaker/E. Spear Gjallarhorn/Hunger of Crota/Radegast

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