If you could only choose one load out for the entire game, this means all raids, nightfalls, missions, crucible, iron banner etc. what would it be and why?
I would choose:
Word of Crota
Longbow Synth (Arc)
This would give me each elemental damage type, let me have a hand cannon (my favorite primary type), and give me the jelly horn for taking down Crota. Not to mention a decent crucible loadout.
Edit: You still can't equip more than one exotic.
Edit2: Looks like the most popular choices are:
Fatebringer/Word of Crota/Fang of IY
Black Hammer/Icebreaker/E. Spear
Gjallarhorn/Hunger of Crota/Radegast
Thorn/Prudence II/Valedictorian
Fang of Ir Yut Black hammer Gjallarhorn
What I always do Fang LDR Tlord
Fang of Ir Yut Ice Breaker Hunger of Crota
Thorn Black Hammer Gholdors Hammer
Timurs lash Icebreaker Song of ir yut Id really miss gjallahorn and tlw but icebreaker is a handier gun overall
Word of Crota Ice breaker Hunger of Crota
Fatebringer Ice Breaker Hunger of Crota Thing is I'd also really like Corrective Measures for VoG oracles.
If that's the case, then there's no point in playing Destiny.
Fatebringer, Swordbreaker and of course Ghorn.
Edytowany przez użytkownika c1outMel0n: 4/5/2015 4:39:19 PMWith what I have: Suros Regime Secret Handshake Hunger Of Crota What I want: Fang of Ir Yût Swordbreaker Gjallarhorn
Not my favorite weapons, but in otder to be funcional i would go: fatebrirger, dead orbit void sniper, gally
Fang of Ir Yut Praedyths Revenge Jellyhorn
Hawkmoon, praedyths revenge and hunger of crota.
Fatebringer, black hammer, and gjally
Edytowany przez użytkownika NickPlaysUK: 4/5/2015 4:37:07 PMFatebringer/Fang of Ir Yut Void LDR sniper with armour piercing Gjallahorn All day long
Gjallarhorn, Gjallarhorn, Hawkmoon. (I can dual wield my Hawkmoon's.)(And Gjallarhorn's XD)
Mida tool swordbreaker hunger of crota
Gallyhorn Hawkmoon Thunderlord
For me: MIDA Multi-tool My Hide and Seek with Field Choke/Who's Next/Hammer forged and shot package Jolder's Hammer
Red Death, Black Hammer, and Jolder's Hammer.
Red Death, Black Hammer, and Jolder's Hammer.
My Another NiTC with Field Scout and Firefly, Efrideet's with Grenadier, Spray & Play with Field Scout, and finally the Gjalla.
Primary thunderlord special gjallerhorn heavy hunger of crota
VoC Spear - arc CM