po raz pierwszy umieszczony:BungieNetPlatform
Hey Guys,
I am getting my characters items form the bungie.net platform api. When I look at a piece of armor I can not find where the defense is listed in the JSON. I also, can not find the attack value for weapons. I looked in stats did not see any values that corresponded with the correct attack or defense. Anyone have any ideas how to get these values?
Take a look at the inventory endpoint: https://www.bungie.net/platform/destiny/help/HelpDetail/GET?uri=%7bmembershipType%7d%2fAccount%2f%7bdestinyMembershipId%7d%2fCharacter%2f%7bcharacterId%7d%2fInventory%2fSummary%2f Theres a primary stat object in there, is that what you're searching for? [primaryStat] => stdClass Object ( [statHash] => 368428387 [value] => 369 [maximumValue] => 0 )