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Destiny 2

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2/6/2021 4:56:05 PM

Messed up PVP and how to fix it.

Almost everybody hates PVP right now,it has always been like but why is that. Before i sum things up i'm not talking about the casuals,i'm talking about genuine pvp players. Here are some reason people get tilted,annoyed or don't play pvp: -hackers -stasis -connection+leaving teammates -ridiculous weapons Now il explain what people are going on about and what people can do to fix it. -HACKERS For hackers it simple install a better anitcheat in the game,partner with cheatmakers(for money) to make money out of these players,they pay for hacks they let bungie know,bungie bans them,they buy the hack client for another account. This gives those cheatmakers more money then intended while making no cheat in the world save to use. -STASIS It annoys people,why? Because it is overpowered when used in the intended way. Really for stasis players should learn to adept although there are some things that can be improved. Hunter super was nerved,warlock super was nerved but tian super wasn't.You can literally kill the same people during 1 usage of the stasis titan super. I would say shorten the duration. THen there is the projectile problem,the game indicates that you can throw you shuriken because you aim over people but then your shuriken hit the wall,like why? Just fix the intended angle or something. Maybe i am wrong on this one. And then there is the being frozen,which is nice but there should be a way to counter play this with like a solar armor mod to witstand it. Some maps are too tiny to fit stasis supers in so either make those maps bigger or make the range more tiny in these. Also if you're gonna rework other subclasses make a counter system this would be nice to have. -CONNECTION This one is plain an easy. If a player disconnects because they feel like it punish them. But if it is because of some error you should be able to detect it and not take their three win streak. If the errors keep coming after like 4 times or something then issue them a timeout for comp. Same if a player disconnects in your team you shouldn't be punished for it. Don't make players lose glory at the end of a match where there teammate left and if they win in these odds give them more. -RIDICULOUS WEAPONS Some weapons need to be adjusted ,shotguns have to much range,snipers should keep rewarding headshots but punish for hitting bodyshots, no time to explain should also be nerfed, because it is super OP. It gives you more headshots then a sniper can. -EXTRA It would be fun if there was an honor system in the game to like honor players for playing good,being chill,cool headed which doubles the rewards where added friends add only 1/4 benefit to this reward system. And maybe once or twice per season some poll to see how players are doing in pvp and pve. But mostly in pvp so you can quickly detect problems and fix them where need be. Maybe even in game. Like questions could be favorite weapon/playstyle to sort of find the general playstyle, what people get tilted over,what is fear and what not. There is always going to be players who won't like changes but listen to the majority of the people. Combine this and you get a a good overview of what most people use and what annoys them the most and the stuff that is in both category's you nerf it,not in the ground so it is still relevant and doesn't remove players best weapon. Because of this most players will have to adapt to new stuff which makes it challenging for tough players but removes the cheesy stuff for those easily tilted and casual players. And you keep repeating that every season. Make maps that complement certain playstyles like a tunnel system as battleground where people use stasis and shotties. Then a darker map where void hunter shines. A big map with lots of verticality and roofs for snipers but then also maps where you can use everything to your advantage. Everything is possible,go crazy and add in vex or hive portals. Or maybe a map with moving ships in one of the hangars of the tower and crates below.So you can run through the crates or jump on the ships. Make solar do extra damage to stasis users/supers and make stasis do more towards another element or to an element in another season. I hope someone from bungie sees this cause these are some of the things players want in the game. And crucible should move forward,i know you want abilities but gunplay is still important, if you make strong cards then make cards to counter them. Thx for reading this and have a nice day.

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