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Editado por LT Roscoe: 10/14/2014 11:04:25 PM

The Neckbeards of Justice (Or OMG I cant believe I'm siding with the SJWs)

Most VM whiners are man children


All VM whiners are man children


Check your privlege you cislord


So after reading the forums last night and today I'm starting to see a pattern among the special children screaming about the VM getting rightfully nerfed. So many of them claim they are just "fed up with the participation ribbon receiving, no sense of hard work , and whiny kids" and insinuate they don't need the VM to be good at PVP. Or they go and whine that the VM nerfing is really unfair to them because they just use it for PVE. Then you load the profiles and see they in fact barely PVE, and more often than not >50% of their PVP kills are with fusion rifles. It all boils down to a bunch of people trying to say they are sticking up for integrity when in fact they are just upset they can't troll people with their hard glitched spoils of war. Just like the #Gamergate crowd. I'll bet dollars to donuts a good bit of the "Petition Bungie to reinstate the VM" crowd have either participated in Gamergate harrasment, support it, or are of the same neckbeard Hot pocket eating white male demographic of the afformentioned group. What we have is a bunch of entitled spoiled manchildren who want to work themselves up in a lather because they aren't comfortable with change, and lash out at those who they say are responsible. So in the case of this hot fix "Whiny COD kids" are the new "Women in gaming". Just because they feel threatened by change these people go overboard and write diatribes, essays, short form research papers about how wrong bungie is for rightfully nerfing the VM. They say its an attack on the core of Destiny players or catering to the "Kiddie crowd". Do yourself a favor. Look in the mirror and look at your stats. When you were barely keeping your head at a 1.0 prior to pushing Aetheon off a cliff, and now for the past 2 weeks you've pushed up to a 1.6 its probably not your awesome LEET PVE skills. Your just a scrub with a crutch. Now the crutch is gone and you have to learn to walk again, but you'd rather sit there like Ricky Bobby and curse the world. Now I really have no opinion on Gamergate, and in fact lean right politically. However I can smell a neckbeard when I read one, and you sirs are a bunch of angry little man boys. Go out and try new guns. Die, respawn, win, lose, but have fun. I'm no PVP god, far from it. I'm just here to enjoy some raid, some strikes, some PVP, and bounties of all types. Lets use this forum for constructive criticism not the whining of children. God help me I can't believe I just found myself on the same side of the coin as a bunch of limp wristed social justice warriors with Tumblrs.

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