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5/11/2022 9:50:07 AM

Is Destiny 2 becoming too hard for the Average Player?

I'm an Average Player and Yes it's too hard


I'm an Average Player and No it's not too hard


Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed many a destiny player giving feedback on how hard the game has become for them (specifically end game and exotic quests). A lot of replies to them were, "Git Gud", "Skill Issue", "You Problem" etc. It made me wonder, it D2 End Game becoming too hard for the average player? I ran 17 GM's last week before I finally had the tactics down and able to finish the GM @ lvl 1583 (so yes, skill level not up to par). However, I went to look at some stats and PLEASE bare in mind .. these ARE ASSUMPTIONS as it's not from the official Bungie site. With avg of 100K players per day ( Raids: VOTD Succesfull Clears : 29% VOTD Master Succesfull clears : 15% If you look at the Triumph seals it ranges extremely low ( indicating that it's really just the above average players who obtain these. GM Nightfalls ( If we look at the success rate it's on 53% (highly likely thanks to the cheese). Crucible I'm looking at 1 player that mentioned his KD was 1.16 placing him in the top 16% (as per his word on his stats on As I cannot forsure say that 80% of the players are less than 1KD I will just say assume so Based on these assumptions I just thought ... Maybe it might be too hard for the average player. In which case if we look at raids 70% of the player base miss out on it (disregarding time available or friends available). So I'm wondering, is the game really too hard for the majority of players with only the top 20% being able to enjoy the full game and end game content. That means 80 000 people a day miss out on the end content or have tried it and just given up due to the difficulty level. Maybe Bungie, just maybe a quick survey to your player base will give you some insights? My opinion on the matter is not really relevant as I try all activities no matter the difficulty. Some I struggle with a lot, some I find "easier", but I was curious as an "average player" which I consider myself to be (PVP - Below average), do you feel the end game is too tough? Skill definitely plays a role, but so does light level etc. Telling people to put in the time also is an invalid argument as a LOT of people have full time jobs, families and other commitments. I'm sure Bungie did not design the game for the X number of people who can play all day, but to have as many involved as possible. If the average player cannot enjoy ALL the game has to offer or feel satisfied with their progress, the whole community loses out when that player leaves. Anyhoo .. this is NOT facts, but my view (with big holes in them). Your view are very much appreciated and thank you if you read all the way to here.

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  • It is definitely becoming too hard. This was the game my son and I played together and enjoyed... now neither of us want to play it.

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    1 Reply
    • Yeah, Destiny 2 is absurdly difficult It was okay for me back in Season of Splicers, but now it's just too much, and I can no longer enjoy the game The problem is that Bungie prioritizes sweatlords and YouTubers because those are the loudest. As much as I would want the game to be fun again. We perfectly know the devs won't go that way, so here are some personal(And much funnier) alternatives instead 1. Warframe: My personal choice. I recommend anyone who's tired of D2 to give it a try. I find the game to be very enjoyable mainly because it is much less difficult. Even in the higher zone, you never really die if you come in prepared 2. Megadimension Neptunia: A turn-by-turn RPG with a very fun gameplay and story. You can become very overpowered very fast if you put in the grind and even more so if you buy the DLC content, which is really not expensive at all and absolutely worth the money 3. DOOM: The big bag -blam!- and one of the founding fathers of the FPS Genre. You cannot go wrong with DOOM. It is really enjoyable to play, both as an FPS and as a Power Fantasy

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    • Absolutely agree. Although I love the game, as a casual gamer it has become too difficult for an hour or two's entertainment. The hardcore folks have their opinions but Bungie is losing my money... and that's the bottom line.

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    • Way way way too many destiny activities lack matchmaking Add an easier mode of the raids so most players aren’t skipping them

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      3 Replies
      • Poor vote choices and no its not becoming harder people are just behind and already had a catch up. If you're behind at this point there is just no excuse they already made everyone practically the same at the start of the season invalidating all people who played their game and continue to ruin modes for a caliber of playee they can't effectively retain to see the benefits. The difference in skill is just clear as it should be.

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      • Hard? No. Grindy? Yeah for sure.

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      • You are talking about the major issue with the game recently. It is exclusively catered to the hardcore minority of players. Content creators and the small amount of people who nolife the game without getting paid for it. That's literally the case sadly. I USED to be one of those few hardcore players who did everything on the hardest difficulty, grinded every god roll etc. etc. Until i realized that as a full time working person, my free time is WAY more valuable than to spend it chasing that useless reissued carrot after grinding xp power levels for 200 hours every single season. Bungie needs to develop the game for the VAST MAJORITY again. Casual players. Instead of making every single piece of content harder and requiring more and more level grinds. It is draining. Power level grind even once a year has gotten old. Every 3 months tho? Can't be bothered. And the loot is just the same garbage we've already gotten 10 times before. That's why sunsetting was a thing. Loot saturation. They wanted to make us grind for the same stuff over and over again.

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        6 Replies
        • 31
          The game is either stupidly easy or obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious. Very little in between.

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          8 Replies
          • I agree that the level of difficulty has gone way up since I began the game. New modifiers, more champions in more places, invisible screebs like wth 🤦‍♀️, terrible pvp culture, screaming through the campaign content so you don't get left behind.... it's ramped to an almost intolerable level. It's almost to a point where 💩💩ing on other players is the only reward. And who needed 800 smg rolls from the event? Nobody. One gun? Come on yall aren't even trying at this point.

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          • Answer? No. But the fact that you are even having to ask that question means that Bungie is losing the thread (again) of what kind of game Destiny is. The overwhelming majority of the player base, plays this game as a LOOT game. In loot games, THE WHOLE POINT is that the game gets EASIER as you grow more powerful. That boost in power is the reward for all the grinding and build-crafting. It's not a bug...its a feature. But Bungie doesn't have the resources to support a true end-game loot grind. So they try to cover it up by playing hide-and-seek with progression..... ...and try create and MMO-style end game (level up to gear up). But without the story elements OR loot system depth to support that kind of end game. So the result is this HIGHLY repetitive end-game where 90% of the game becomes irrelevant...and you run around in a very small circle of activities that are progression relevant for most of the year. One that is more about randomly rewarding you tiny bits of progression, rather than powerful loot So it is slowly burning out the player base.

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            25 Replies
            • I think its burn out from the "content" of leveling every 3 months, the same activity essentially over a different season and champions being in every facet of the game restricting the weapons you can use. As someone who's played since Rise of iron to now. I'm over leveling and champions in d2 they are a nuisances Leveling should he reserved for big expansions then your done till the next one drops champions shouldn't exist just make new encounters either by new mechanics or just remix enemy variation.

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            • 😂🤣😂🤣

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            • The tedium, repetition and heavy grind is sapping player’s willingness to keep engaged.

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            • Too hard? No. Too tedious? Yeah.

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              1 Reply
              • Here’s how to solve the entire thing, “Become Legend” mode, increased gains, drop chances etc. Difficulty of the game would be the same as witch queen legend campaign seeing as it was as hard as early D1 Y1 before the game was nerfed in dark below. Optional mode that effects absolutely anything apart from crucible. Shift stuff like GMs and master raids into this mode. add some more content for average players into the normal mode. Fixed. Instead of trying to blend the try hards and casuals just segregate them and the try hards only have to play with try hards, the casuals only have to play with casuals and now you can spend whatever time you have available in the game without feeling like you are falling behind.

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              • Personally, I think the champion system should be removed completely from the game. Also the modifiers need to reigned in or possibly scrapped altogether. Sometimes it feels like having one hand tied behind your back.

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              • Destiny 2's joke of an "end-game" has never been hard. It's just tedious, monotone, and quite frankly, not worth the time investment. The fact that you get reset every season back to effectively square one isn't doing the game any favors either. Seriously, who's genius idea was it to have a backwards progression system? Oh that's right, Bungo themselves.

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                2 Replies
                • Edited by Kai, Son of Logos: 5/12/2022 5:03:45 PM
                  If someone, myself include, is on Bungie forums, it seems unlikely they're an accurate representation of the "average" or the casual player. IMO: The largest deterrents for average/casual players are: 1. Paid-for-DLC. D2 is highly saturated with DLC locked content. 2. Sunsetting Weapons. It's why Bungie stopped doing it. 3. Time Required. Light Levels constantly rise, and loadout restriction on higher level activity mechanics, the average player will not be able to compete. 4. Player Loadouts. They're inherently complex with nuances and ever constant TWAB patches, that the average guy only understands when a no-life Youtuber spoon feeds them the info. 5. Lack of Higher Level Match Making. There's nothing intuitive about being required to download an app to LFG. 6. Hostile Player Base. Not much Bungie can do about this one though. This up to you and me Guardian. Thank you for the thought provoking post!

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                • Is it wrong that I did gms for one season and have had enough materials to last until now Splicer season

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                • Destiny’s endgame isn’t hard. GMs are annoying at the absolute worst and master raids are just bouts of kinda tedious metahumping. Everything else is basically a cakewalk. It’s still about as casual as it has always been. Engagement doesn’t really mean anything. I’d say it speaks more to the reward/fun factor more so than any sort of difficulty.

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                  4 Replies
                  • This game gets boring from time to time but I just hop on and play whenever a friend is on.

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                  • you mispelled too easy

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                  • This game is boring as fuk. It’s the same -blam!- over and over and the developers are the dumbest in the gaming industry. They purposely create broken -blam!- and then neglect to fix it before releasing it to the public. That and they’re ignorant to fixing their broken lame -blam!- pvp

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                  • If raid titles didn't require having a full fireteam of clan members I'd probably wanna do them more. Not that I do raids anyways. I'd like to, but my friends don't play.

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                  • Without a veteran player as a guide, this game in impossible to understand. It’s been built for those who never leave and completely ignored those who want to get into it. I like that they’ve prioritized dedicated players over new ones but it makes it impossible to get friends into the game

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                  • No. The new legend campaign was challenging solo, but epic. TWQ for me was THE best dlc d2 ever had. And I usually NEVER give bungie props.

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