Things have sort of come to head on here. Obviously these people have the ability to datamine the game and see what xur is going to sell ahead of time. I for one do not see the conspiracy that this proves or the betrayal it constitutes on bungie's part, but it seems like I'm in the minority.
I'm sure you're preparing some kind of statement, might as well get it over with. Maybe explain why RNG does not mean "determined at 1:59 am (gmt) Friday morning."
Most people will call you a doublethink spewing sadist, but let's just get it over with.
Anyone know his exact username?
I don't know why you are asking deej. He only tells us what he's told. If you want to be mad at someone be mad at bungie. This megaman predicting things doesn't disprove random. It only proves that the game has "sets" of xur's invitory. Bungie could have created a program that made these sets in the game. These sets seem like they are in a certain order. which is why any degree of predictibability is possible through datamine. I don't believe bungie has direct control of the system. And by that I mean I don't think they can make a whole new table "set" for xur and just slap it in with no update. Therefor if Bungie is capable of any tampering they probably have the ability to move sets. Meaning they moved a set that sold the UR just after the patch with shotguns for pve. I believe a set that sells ghorn could be moved up if Bungie wished. However considering it is THE most sought after exotic that is not raid locked I really doubt they will do so. And I doubt it was removed from his table. I'm not a program expert but I don't think that can be done without some sort of patch. And granted they could have stealthed it into a patch we downloaded forever ago. But i'm not one for a conspiracy. There is the chance that things just got lucky around the times we felt there was some tampering by bungie. I personally believe that xur is random to a point. That things are predetermined up to a certain point in advance. And that bungie has "some" control over xur. and that's it.
Pretty sure he is sleeping right now before he goes to work on Friday. :)
yupp, get it over with
Does anyone really care if it's RNG or not anymore? Most people by now have got all the exotics they need anyway. He's only useful for heavy ammo and the odd piece of exotic armour.
He lied to the community, he should probably apologise at the least.
What does it matter? We have no control over it and do we even have the right to complain? We paid to play THEIR GAME we didn't pay them to MAKE THE GAME ACCORDING TO OUR WANTS.
Expect to see santa claus riding the tooth fairy before DeeJ makes a useful reply...
He won't hell just make more topics about strange coins and "face me and a clan in crucible"