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Editado por DogChamp: 6/22/2015 9:36:21 PM

Flood Dictionary

Desticle: [i]noun[/i] [i]1.[/i]Someone who is a fan-boy of Destiny [i]2.[/i]Someone who posts Destiny related topics in #offtopic [i]example[/i] You are such a [b]desticle[/b] for claiming Destiny is better than any thee game. -balm! [i]verb[/i] [i]1[/i] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [i]adjective [/i] [i]1[/i] angry [i]example[/i] what did you just -blam!ing say to me? I'll have you know... Té/ te DogChamp14's way of saying [i]the[/i] Example What is té best color? Deej [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] Community manager/ head moderator [i]2[/i] A pegboy (according to a lot of té flood) [i]example[/i] Deej is a pegboy. (Again, not entirely my opinion) -godwinslaw! [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] a N-A-Z-I [i]example[/i] -godwinslaw! are evil. Engrapadora [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] A person who posts horse porn in #offtopic [i]2[/i] A stapler [i]example[/i] [insert horse porn here] Shit post [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] A bad post [i]example[/i] There are quite a bit of shit posts in #offtopic Newfoman [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] Someone who is new to's forums [i]example[/i] Destiny brought a lot of newfomen to #offtopic Oldfoman [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] Someone who was on Bungie.old [i]example[/i] who here is an oldfoman? Bungie.old [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] pre-destiny [i]example[/i] I like Bungie.old better than [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] post Destiny release [i]example[/i] [quote]refer to above example[/quote] Destiny [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] Bungie's new game, commonly regarded as inferior to Halo [i]2[/i] A crappy game [i]3[/i] An idol worshipped by Desticles [i]example[/i] Destiny may have received a high review rating at launch, but it has gotten boring because of too much RNG and grinding. Ninja [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] A moderator of's forums [i]2[/i] A cool person [i]3[/i] A not-cool person [i]example][/i] Recon is a very popular Ninja on #Destiny [i]noun[/i] [i]1[/i] A place that only brave Floodians dare to go to [i]2[/i] A place where all Desticles are sent [i]example[/i] Move this post over to #Destiny Bump [i]vern[/i] [i]1[/i] To show approval for someone's post [i]2[/i] To help make a thread or reply seen by more people [i]example[/i] Please bump this thread so more people can see it (really do this, it will help newfomen.) I am always taking suggestions for more words and terms to be added to this dictionary.

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