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Editado por mannagement: 1/19/2016 9:00:09 PM

=The Taikonaut, Battle of Scars, Part 2=

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Part One: Zebra's Fanfic: Hallo, errybody. And welcome…. to part 2! If you like this story arc, leave a poll vote. And if you don’t feel free to use the salt on my fries! DO. NOT. FRET. |======================| They walked to the edge of the crater. “I still can’t believe you have such a stupid name-” Zara suddenly stopped in her tracks, and held out her arms, stopping the people behind her. “What the hell-” Harrol said as he looked over the edge. There, they saw a Ketch. “Uhh-” Zara said as she blinked to a lower rock. “This ketch seems familiar…” “It does!” Ralph agreed, scaling down the cliff. “Is it because of Venus, Taken?” Jaik said. “Venus…” Zara thought for a moment. “Hold on, was that-” “The last time the house of scar’s ketch was boarded by guardians.” Jaik said as he leapt down the rock wall. “They never breached the hull, but there was a hunter strapped to the outside.” “WHAT.” Ralph said, looking at Zara. “I think we still have him hostage.” Jaik grunted. “We found Rasputin because of him…” Sasha glared at Ralph and Zara. “Explain?” Zara chuckled lightly. “W-well, long story… he got what he deserved though.” “Are you telling me you just let Zara do this?” Sasha near shouted at Ralph. “Whoops-” Ralph shrugged. “Heh, heh… Zara would’ve killed me if I said something…” “Anyway-” Harrol looked down at them, then back at Sasha. “Sasha, how am I gonna get down this cliff?” He looked at his insanely heavy armour. Sasha held Harrol bridal-style. “Like this.” Sasha said as she waddled over to the edge. “Oh, are you going to use your jump j-” He was cut off by Sasha heaving him over the edge. “SASHAWHATTHE-blam!-WHYDID[i]Youdothaaaaaaaaaaat-[/i]” Harrol trailed off as an explosion of arc energy surged upwards, killing every fallen down there. “[i]sasha! you suck![/i]” Harrol said from the bottom. “What was that!? Couldn’t hear you!” Sasha said as she leaped off the cliff. As she reached halfway, she initiated her jump pack and landed softly at the bottom. Zara appeared at beside them in a puff of smoke. “Wazzup?” She said, not expecting an answer. Ralph landed beside them, but not pleasantly. His leg was broken. “Oh.” Zara looked at him, and rolled him off the side of the cliff. “He’ll be back soon.” |======================| A few moments later, he appeared behind them, resurrected by his ghost. “AHHHHHHH-!” He still screamed, before realizing he was back. “Um." He was then cut off by Jaik, who had landed on a stash. “I can lead us through the ketch. Follow me.” And they went in. |======================| “Jaik, this place smells like fallen…. uh…” Zara’s face was set in a grimace, then set in realization as she probably just offended Jaik. “It’s okay, Taken. You smell like crap, too.” Jaik said, teasing. “Was that a joke?” Harrol said with a jump. “In a fallen?” “Please-” Jaik said with a hiss. “-call me an Eliksni.” Zara held out her hand for a fist bump. Jaik went in for it, but didn’t understand the meaning and may have broke it. “Uh…” Sasha looked at the hand. “I’ll patch it up… later?” Zara looked around, confused. “What?” Sasha gestured to her twisted hand. Zara held it up to her face through narrowed eyes. “Oh shit!” She looked surprised. “Hang on a sec-” She said with slight boredom. She calmly grabbed the ruined hand and twisted it back into place- a loud cracking sound rang out. “There we go.” Ralph must of just had a weak stomach around Zara, because he threw up yet again! “Really, man?” Harrol backed off a bit and lowered his weapon. He stared at Sasha, and whispered. “[i]We couldn’t have picked a better guy for this?[/i]” “Well, I’m [i]sorry[/i] that Zara is a kind of… unfeeling.” Ralph said in his own defense, blaming Zara. Zara frowned. “Hey, man. You don’t know what I had to do during exile.” “It’s not like you were touching exo antenna, Zara.” Sasha said, with sass. “Yeah, sure. I mean,” Zara’s hands clenched. “It’s not like I had to eat Fallen or anything.” Harrol and Ralph laughed. “Good one, good one.” “What.” Jaik stared at Zara. Zara didn’t reply. “W-wait, you’re serious?” Ralph stammered. Zara just looked away in guilt, wiping her mouth as if to rid it of some awful taste. Sasha just urged everyone to keep moving, and made a mental note to keep Zara’s mouth shut around Jaik. Jaik was quiet the rest of the exploration. |======================| “Hey, what’s over here?” Zara pointed at a long hallway. “Holding cells.” Jaik said, emotionless. “What do they hold?” Ralph asked. “Prisoners. Enemies.” Jaik looked down it. “Didn’t you say there was somebody here?” Harrol asked. “I’ll find him.” Sasha lit ablaze and hacked down every single door. At the final one, a hunter was found. “Oh, hey, it’s you.” Zara gave a little wave. “Light! Freedom!” The hunter pushed past them and ran down the hall, still screaming. “[i]FREEEEEeeeeeedoooooommmm……..[/i]” Loud clanks were heard at the end of the scream, followed by some shock pistols. “[i]-dammit![/i]” “Crap, they’re coming this way!” Harrol started to look around for a hiding place. He saw a tiny garbage can- thing. “In here!” “No, wait, that is ether deposit-” Jaik said, too late as the whole crew was pushed down. They were split up among the pipes. “Oof!” Jaik exhaled as he landed in the main refill area. He noticed his breather was off. He began to inhale. |======================| Sasha landed in a dark room. The door was open. What she saw was not what she wanted to see. |======================| Cliffhanger~! Trust me, guys… This will be good. What did you think of this chapter? Zebra was a primary source of fuel in this time :P Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile, but my Opa passed recently and I was mourning him. Thank everyone at Providence Writers for helping me through this. I don’t want to get sad, so I’ll leave you with this: [i]I am officially announcing a jar-jar binks cameo! ~Zebra[/i] [b]GET OUTTA HERE![/b] //Program end Part 3, pt. 1:

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