Only an April-sized update every 1-2 months could fix Destiny. Patrols need some serious help. What is there to do? Patrol bounties are irrelevant atm. Public events need to award 1-3 coins instead of motes. Where's the weekly vanguard bounties? Daily events need to have small little rewards implemented (coins, 1-3 three of coins, etc.) Archon Priest strike was a big step in the right direction. Hey Bungie do that again.
Prolly not, but I'm redownloading destiny anyways. Only because I really like the Prison Of Elders. Plus Destiny is still fun for PvE...Lol that may change once Firefight Warzone comes out lol
Editado por Nashtalia: 3/30/2016 11:46:11 PMnope, from the looks of it only re-hashed year one legendaries and updated year one exotics lols xD' are they serious? xD'
Thanks for the feedback so far so it seems nothing can fix this shambles of a game ={