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Divirta-se com infinitas discussões aleatórias.
Editado por Krishnas Prophet: 6/20/2016 7:55:18 AM


You all hide behind science as an objective understanding of reality, and yet you believe in an invisible force even though you cant describe it. You simply describe gravity but cant explain how or why it actually works. [b]How can you [i]not[/i] see that this is faith? YOUR FAITH in things unseen?[/b]. Take any mainstream religion and compare it to what you do with gravity. Take two scenarios: "a spirit helped find my keys" and "mass made my keys hit the floor". I ask the spirit believer: "what is the spirit?" Believer responds, "a powerful force that surrounds us and helps us" I ask [i]you[/i] "what is the force produced by the mass?" You respond: "the fundamental strong and weak forces" or "bent space time" or better yet "the alignment of subatomic particles". Whats the freaking difference? How are "strong and weak forces" or "bent space time" or "alignment of particles" [b]any better explanations compared to "the helpful spirit"?[/b] You all reject mainstream faith with scorn, and tear apart its obvious inconsistencies. [b]BUT YOU ARE JUST AS RELIGIOUS. SCIENCE IS YOUR FAITH[/b]. And you freak out like First Baptist church when 16 year old Johnny wears a Darwin shirt to sunday school, the moment anyone points this out to you. [i]So please, be honest for a change and just admit it:[/i] [b]"SCIENCE IS RELIGION AND GRAVITY CANT BE EXPLAINED, BUT I BELIEVE ANYWAY. AMEN." [/b] Feel better? Honesty can do that...

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  • [b][u]How gravity works and how it can be observed vs a universal accelerant [/u][/b] [u]Gravity[/u] •Works everywhere •Forms the spherical planets as we see them •Doesn't go past the speed of light [u]UA[/u] •Would have to have universal acceleration and would have to be the same everywhere •Would require stars that are too small to sustain fusion or so close that they would incinerate us •Would accelerate us to the speed of light in 1771yrs [b][u]Why a UA by stars is BS[/u][/b] Nuclear fusion of hydrogen and helium requires temperatures of around 1b Kelvin. The sun only burn at a max of 15m Kelvin. This means that the sun doesn't burn at the heat it currently is. Because of this, the Sun must have gravity to force the particles into each other. If the Sun was smaller and closer as Krishna said, the Sun wouldn't burn and there would be no UA anyways How do we know the heat of fusion? Because it has been done before quickly.

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