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Editado por Little-Lenah: 4/15/2017 5:02:26 PM

Are You Shy? (18+/PS4) (Taking A Few New Recruits, Daily)

I know I can be. I also have anxiety that likes to rear its ugly head in certain situations. Especially during Crucible. But I have a fantastic Clan that is there for me and supports me when that happens. [b]Welcome to Guardian Spirit.[/b] We are a small (but growing!) clan who are looking for like-minded people to join us. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Have a mic and are too shy to use it?[/b] That's okay! We're happy to let you sit in party and message us to your heart's content. We have a member who is currently doing that! Just recently he even completed the raid without uttering a single word. We are willing to wait until the day you feel comfortable enough to give us a friendly "hello!" on headset. [b]Have you wanted to try Crucible but feel too overwhelmed to give it a shot?[/b] No problem. We will play private matches with you, one on one, two on two, so on and so forth, and give you a chance to test the PvP waters. If you even feel an ounce of panic, we will bring the match to a halt. On more than one occasion that has happened to me personally. And all I can say is that everyone has been unconditionally supportive. [b]Want to do story missions, a few strikes or some Archon's Forge?[/b] Most of us have varying schedules, and you'll find at least one Clanmate online most of the time. Just shoot us a message, and we'll be happy to join you on your adventures! [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]The Rules of being a Guardian Spirit[/b] ~ Be Helpful ~ Be Friendly ~ Be Proactive ~ Be Kind ~ Be Mature An extended version of this can be found in the clan forum, further detailing the rules of the clan. If you need further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact me. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]How the Spirit Communicates[/b] We use a fantastic app called BAND to communicate. All our communication outside of Playstation happens here. We chat, schedule events, raid teams, classes and even fun little games like hide and seek on BAND. It is the best place to find fellow Spirit Guardians to explore Destiny with. When you are accepted into the clan, an invite QR code will become available in the clan forum. You should [b]enter your name as your PSN[/b], that way its easier to contact clan mates for adventuring! *This app is available for both Android and Iphone [b]Please note: [/b]Only applications that have been accepted will be approved on BAND. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Protectors of the Guardian Spirit[/b] [b]Alpha[/b] Little-Lenah [b]Betas[/b] Dante__42 (Note: There are two underscores) Arieces [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Joining the Spirit[/b] There is only one rule before your application is considered: fill out the questionnaire below! We don't care about ratios or streaks or raid experience. We welcome new players as well as seasoned veterans. This questionnaire is to get to know a little bit about you, Guardian. What is your story? You have two options for sending in your answers: Either post them here in the forum or send me a message! Questions: - What is your PSN? - What would you like to be called? -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? [b](Note: Any requests sent without the application will not be considered)[/b] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Kindred Spirits[/b] The Dark Knights (TDK) TDK is a fantastic clan with wonderful people. They are a long established clan with close to three thousand members. Us at Guardian Spirit have a strong Alliance with TDK, and we often help each other out when other players are looking for Guardians to adventure with. Check out their recruitment thread [url=]Here[/url] Check out their Clan Page [url=]Here[/url] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] I think that just about covers it! The Clan group link is at the top of the post. If you would like any further information, please feel free to take a look at the "Welcome" thread, the Rules of the Clan, and our mission statement. Happy Adventuring Guardian! ~ Lenah [i]***This is an 18+ Clan. Sometimes we crack jokes and use language that just isn't appropriate for younger ears. *** At this time, all our members are on Playstation. Not to discourage interest from Xbox players! Those on Xbox who embrace our philosophy are absolutely welcome to join. It is just unfortunate that we on Playstation will be unable to play with any of you.[/i]

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  • This is the Bumpity BUMP thread

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    26 Respostas
    • - What is your PSN? Light-aka-Ash - What would you like to be called? Ash is fine (: -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? PvE but willing to try PvP - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? i do have a headset to use but just shy and don't talk very much -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? the Devon in the UK. My time would be GMT - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? i'm 30

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    • - What is your PSN? Crazyblue44 - What would you like to be called? Just call me blue -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? I prefer PvE but I don't mind doing PVP - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? I do not have a headset but I don't mind messaging -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? US eastern - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? I'm 23

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    • Hi there. Interested in joining. Questions: - What is your PSN? Deanmon7 - What would you like to be called? Most call me 7 or Deanmon -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? PVE....... but I don't mind testing myself in PvP - Do you have a headset? Yes -Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? Both just don't talk unless I need too. - Australia - age 33

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    • - What is your PSN? SchlitzML - What would you like to be called? Schlitz -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? I do both. I played during year 1 and quit after house of wolves. Just recently got back into it. I ran vog and Crota too many times lol. Haven't done the other raids yet. Maxed out iron banner this week. - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? I'm fine with a headset -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? US eastern - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? I'm 30

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    • - What is your PSN? jigglyjoseph - What would you like to be called? Joseph is fine, heck, even jiggles is cool -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? I don't have a specific preference, I'll do both! - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? I do have a headset and I'm comfortable with both ways of communication -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? I currently live in the United Arab Emirates and my timezone is UTC+4:00 I think? - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? I'm 19 :)

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    • - What is your PSN? Surge_Baron - What would you like to be called? Surge or Baron, either works -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? PvE, But I still enjoy PvP - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? I do have a headset. It's situational but I would sya that most of the time im on mic. -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? I am in the United States, PST, GMT -8. - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? I am 18 on the dot

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    • [quote]- What is your PSN?[/quote] iKnolly [quote]- What would you like to be called?[/quote] Adam or Knolly [quote]-What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE?[/quote] I'm getting back in to Destiny after not playing it on over a year now its always been a little of both. [quote]- Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging?[/quote] Headsets fine with me. [quote]-What country are you from? What time zone are you in?[/quote] London, England (GMT) [quote]- How old are you? Or, are you over 18?[/quote] 25

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    • Hello! Love what y'all are all about but I'm currently an Xbox only player. :( Is there a group affiliated with or similar to y'all that you might know of on Xbox?

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      4 Respostas
      • - What is your PSN? KingTy21 - What would you like to be called? King -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? Both - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? I have a headset just takes me a bit to warm up to talking to strangers lol -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? Canada eh, est time zone -5 UTC I believe? - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? 23

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      • - What is your PSN? Sloefke_ - What would you like to be called? Sloefke -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? PVE - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? Got a headset and not afraid to use it ;-) -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? Belgium, euh had to look it up... UTC+01:00 - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? Sadly I am... 37

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        1 Responder
        • Editado por Just-Jonny: 4/11/2017 11:54:56 PM
          [b]- What is your PSN?: [/b][i]Just-Jonny[/i] [b]- What would you like to be called?: [/b][i]Jonny is fine by me, or Zim, I go by Zimmerman on Bungie :)[/i] [b]- What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE?: [/b][i]Bit of both, though I've never played ToO, and aren't as experienced in Raids as I'd like to be, habits I'd both like to change. [/i] [b]- Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging?: [/b][i]I don't mind speaking through a headset, shy at first but that can change over time.[/i] [b]- What country are you from? What time zone are you in?: [/b][i]From Wales, in the UK! So that makes my timezone GMT, or BST or something.[/i] [b]- How old are you? Or, are you over 18?: [/b][i]27 light levels.[/i]

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        • -What is your PSN? : KaeporaGaebora7 -What would you like to be called? : Cap, Kae (pronounced just like K) or Jace if we get to know each other lol -What are your preferences? : I'm veeeery rusty when it comes to raids but I've done them all besides WOTM, I can grind strikes and patrols all day. And crucible if I'm not by myself is always fun. -Do you have a headset? : I do and it's a decent one, I'm a quiet person when it comes to voice chat but I will gladly do it. -What country are you from? What time zone? : The United States specifically the Midwest, Central Standard timezone. -How old are you? I'm 22.

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        • - What is your PSN? : iCRSBEi - What would you like to be called? : Alex / Al / Crosbie not really fussy ! -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? : Alot of experience of PvP Games / Scenarios not so much on the PvE but want to learn. - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? : I have a headset but the mic is broken but one is on order from triton! Happy to talk through mic or via messages -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? : GMT / UK - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? : 23 soon to be 24 !

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          1 Responder
          • PSN: YourMoveHuman. You can call me human. I prefer PVE but do go on PVP binges every so often. I have a mic and am comfortable communicating with a mic but I am very patient with people; so, messages works too. I'm in California and I'm 39 and really love to play this game! Recently I've branched out and discovered raiding and the game has really opened up for me. I'd love to play with groups who are non judgmental, not aggressive, patient and fun loving.

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          • [quote]What is your PSN?[/quote] WarpWind [quote]What would you like to be called?[/quote] WarpWind, or Warp. [quote]What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE?[/quote] PvE. Not a fan of Crucible [quote]Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging?[/quote] I have a headset and am okay with talking. Perfectly fine with messaging as well. [quote]What country are you from? What time zone are you in?[/quote] I'm in the US. Eastern time zone. [quote]How old are you?[/quote] As old as my tongue and slightly older than my teeth (41 years old...)

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          • [quote]I know I can be. I also have anxiety that likes to rear its ugly head in certain situations. Especially during Crucible. But I have a fantastic Clan that is there for me and supports me when that happens. [b]Welcome to Guardian Spirit.[/b] We are a small (but growing!) clan who are looking for like-minded people to join us. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Have a mic and are too shy to use it?[/b] That's okay! We're happy to let you sit in party and message us to your heart's content. We have a member who is currently doing that! Just recently he even completed the raid without uttering a single word. We are willing to wait until the day you feel comfortable enough to give us a friendly "hello!" on headset. [b]Have you wanted to try Crucible but feel too overwhelmed to give it a shot?[/b] No problem. We will play private matches with you, one on one, two on two, so on and so forth, and give you a chance to test the PvP waters. If you even feel an ounce of panic, we will bring the match to a halt. On more than one occasion that has happened to me personally. And all I can say is that everyone has been unconditionally supportive. [b]Want to do story missions, a few strikes or some Archon's Forge?[/b] Most of us have varying schedules, and you'll find at least one Clanmate online most of the time. Just shoot us a message, and we'll be happy to join you on your adventures! [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]The Rules of being a Guardian Spirit[/b] ~ Be Helpful ~ Be Friendly ~ Be Proactive ~ Be Kind ~ Be Mature An extended version of this can be found in the clan forum, further detailing the rules of the clan. If you need further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact me. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]How the Spirit Communicates[/b] We use a fantastic app called BAND to communicate. All our communication outside of Playstation happens here. We chat, schedule events, raid teams, classes and even fun little games like hide and seek on BAND. It is the best place to find fellow Spirit Guardians to explore Destiny with. When you are accepted into the clan, an invite QR code will become available in the clan forum. You should [b]enter your name as your PSN[/b], that way its easier to contact clan mates for adventuring! *This app is available for both Android and Iphone [b]Please note: [/b]Only applications that have been accepted will be approved on BAND. [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Protectors of the Guardian Spirit[/b] [b]Alpha[/b] Little-Lenah [b]Betas[/b] Dante__42 (Note: There are two underscores) Arieces [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Joining the Spirit[/b] There is only one rule before your application is considered: fill out the questionnaire below! We don't care about ratios or streaks or raid experience. We welcome new players as well as seasoned veterans. This questionnaire is to get to know a little bit about you, Guardian. What is your story? You have two options for sending in your answers: Either post them here in the forum or send me a message! Questions: - What is your PSN? - What would you like to be called? -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? [b](Note: Any requests sent without the application will not be considered)[/b] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] [b]Kindred Spirits[/b] The Dark Knights (TDK) TDK is a fantastic clan with wonderful people. They are a long established clan with close to three thousand members. Us at Guardian Spirit have a strong Alliance with TDK, and we often help each other out when other players are looking for Guardians to adventure with. Check out their recruitment thread [url=]Here[/url] Check out their Clan Page [url=]Here[/url] [u]*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/u] I think that just about covers it! The Clan group link is at the top of the post. If you would like any further information, please feel free to take a look at the "Welcome" thread, the Rules of the Clan, and our mission statement. Happy Adventuring Guardian! ~ Lenah [i]***This is an 18+ Clan. Sometimes we crack jokes and use language that just isn't appropriate for younger ears. *** At this time, all our members are on Playstation. Not to discourage interest from Xbox players! Those on Xbox who embrace our philosophy are absolutely welcome to join. It is just unfortunate that we on Playstation will be unable to play with any of you.[/i][/quote] PSN: HarryTheTro11 Called: HarryTheTro11 Preferences: PvE Comfortable speaking on headset. Country: North America and EST. Age: 27

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            3 Respostas
            • - What is your PSN? lanefury - What would you like to be called? Lane -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? PvE is prefered but like PvP also - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? Yes. Don't know as I have never been part of a clan. I imagine I would prefer the headset. -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? USA. Central Time Zone - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? 40

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            • I wouldn't mind joining invite me in. Where's the pen?

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            • - What is your PSN? KiddAce_x - What would you like to be called? Kidd or Ace, doesn't matter. -What are your preferences? Do you prefer PvP or PvE? i prefer both - Do you have a headset? Do you prefer speaking on headset or are you more comfortable with messaging? yes i have a headset and i can be quiet at first but i can open up when i get comfortable -What country are you from? What time zone are you in? US, Eastern Time - How old are you? Or, are you over 18? 19 years old

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            • I would like to join your clan. If thats okay

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            • - Psn: Sora-of-light - Most call me Sora -I am mostly and PvP player but do PvP on occasions. - I have a headset but rarely speak to those I don't feel comfortable with. Grew close with my first clan and raided plenty with out using a mic. But with time I open up :D -From the US, Eastern time zone (I think, can never remember) - I am 19 years old (almost 20)

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            • What is your PSN?: Badpuppy1985 What would you like to be called?: I don't mind really. puppy is fine.. or my real name which I'll provide in the app. Preferences: PVE primarily but I'll PVP every so often, but not seriously. Headset: yes and I'm comfortable speaking over it. Country and time zone: UK, GMT. Though I work a 4 on 4 off days/nights shift pattern so it'll be common for me to be playing at various times. Age: 32. Though I feel a lot older :( hehe

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            • This is one of the most friendly clans I've had the privilege to play with. I'm from The Dark Knights and it's a real pleasure to have good guys and gals like to this play with with when other members are occupied. As a personal message, I'd be happy to help you with anything Crucible related. I guess I could help with anything for that matter, but I'm kind of a Raid noob. Well, I've rambled enough. If you are tired of rude and demanding clans, Guardian Spirit is on the opposite end of the spectrum. Peace out! *Drop the mic*

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              2 Respostas
              • Sorry to be a pest, I sent in my questionnaire yesterday, I see you've got a lot of requests but was just wondering if I was being considered. Thanks 😜👍🏻

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                2 Respostas
                • PSN: foreverrich602 Everyone calls me Rich I prefer PVE but I play PVP I have a headset and I enjoy communicating I live in Fl with EST Time zone I'm 23 years old I'm just looking for a chilled clan to go thru raids with and do other activities and I'm looking for a long term one. I'm a very chilled person who likes to help ppl out and also have fun. I have some brothers I play with that are just like me. I would like to join.

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