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Editado por SonicShadow235: 9/3/2017 1:23:11 AM

Legends Origins Chapter 7: Silas

It was a beautiful day in the tower, ironic for what was about to happen I suppose, and I leaned on the tower railings. I stared at the beauty of the traveler, and its white glow in the sunlight. It was days like these where I'm happy to have such a view. I left the railing to go down to my apartment, when I heard alarms. I turned around and saw smoke, rising just beyond the wall. Then a voice came over the tower intercoms. Attention all guardians," a gruff male voice announced, "My name is Lord Saladin, and the fallen are attacking the city. We are currently keeping them at bay, but we need everyone's help. Get to the walls where either I, or Commander Zavala or Lord Shaxx will direct you. Now Guardians!" The comms shut off after that. It was chaos after that. Guardians ran around to get to their ships in order to help defend the wall. I just stood there, frozen in shock. I saw a warlock roll over the towers edge to his ship down below, a commonly used strategy. I snapped out of my stupor. "Ghost, put my ship directly below me," I called out. I jumped off of the tower to my ship below. I transmatted inside just as soon as I could, and took off towards the wall. "Reports are coming in that the house of devils are responsible here, but their have been sightings of the house of Kings and Winter," my ghost spoke up. I simply nodded and flew towards the wall. "Their are several locations that are requesting backup. One is just up ahead." I flew my ship over the scene, then transmatted in without a second thought. I landed in front of the wall, and between a forest. The wall was fifty stories high in this area, with transmat zones to the top at the bottom. There were several guardians hiding behind trees or rocks, and fallen poured out from the forests. I quickly took cover and summoned my scout rifle, "Ghost, get me on the line with the other guardians," I ordered. My ghost did just that and I heard the voices of everyone else here. "Nice of you to drop in, new guy," "More fallen coming in on the left," "What's the status here," I asked. I didn't get an answer as everyone was too busy focusing on the fallen. I sighed then came out of cover to join the others in our attempt to push them back. There were hordes of fallen, most bearing the house of devils colors, coming out of the forests towards our position. It was like a wave of four limbed enemies were coming for us. I began to take aim and shoot the incoming hordes, aiming for their pressurized heads. As soon as I landed a shot their heads would explode and either would drain out. I kept shooting, only taking cover when I needed to reload, as arc bolts peppered the rock I was hiding behind. The others kept giving information on where certain enemies were, like a captain leading a squadron of Vandals. It stayed like this while we just kept getting hit hard. "Almost out of ammo over here," one stuck his hand out saying, "Anyone got spare?" "Find your own spare ammo, we all need it just as much," another responded. The first one sighed, and crouched down. I didn't understand what he was doing until I realized that he was a hunter. After a few seconds he turned invisible, and I lost track of him. I looked back towards the fallen to see that a few of their dead shifted, just a little bit. I was confused but then it just stopped. After another few seconds the hunter reappeared in the same spot he took cover behind earlier. He held up packs of ammo, "Anyone need some, cause I got plenty," he said, a hint of bitterness in his voice. I chuckled as a few of the guardians muttered confused responses, before I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I the middle of the battlefield there was a giant mass of black energy surrounded by purple wisps of smoke. I stood, transfixed on the anomaly, and the fallen did as well. For a few short seconds we all just stood there, staring at this thing. Then, particles came out of the black mass and it was like watching someone disappear into the void, but reversed. After a few seconds, two figures stood in the center of the battlefield. By the looks of their armor they were two warlocks, a man and female respectively. The black mass disappeared and we just stared at these new guardians. The cease fire didn't last long though, as the fallen began pouring out of the wilderness again shooting at us and the two mysterious guardians. The woman blinked away, but the man just stood their, his right side to the fallen. I was about to shout for him to get out of the way, when I realized something. None of the shots were hitting him. He stood perfectly still, yet the fallen couldn't seem to hit him. As I looked closer, it looked as if the shots were curving away from him. "Don't worry about him," a gentle female voice said over the comms. I looked to my left and saw the woman taking cover behind a tree, "He'll be fine," I looked from her, back to the man standing in the middle of a war zone. Now, most of the fallen were shooting at him, yet again, none of the the shots hit. I took this opportunity, along with the others, to pick off the fallen while they were distracted. I shot fallen after fallen before I heard a few people gasp. I looked back at the lone warlock to see the the arc bolts that were shot at him were now stopping in mid-air. After a while it looked like a wall of arc bolts separated him from the fallen. The warlock let the number keep growing while he never moved an inch. After a few minutes the fallen stopped shooting to stare at the man once again. It went on like this for a few seconds, then, the man's head lifted up and he looked at the fallen through the massive collection of arc bolts. He stretched out his hand towards them and, for a few seconds, it was as if time stood still. Then the massive wall of arc bolts went flying back into the hoards of fallen. The fallen realized too late what was happening, and tried to run. Yet, it was if every bolt found a target, some even changing course. The arc bolts flew into the fallen masses and, in seconds, dozens lie dead due to the sudden movement. The remaining fallen backed up a little bit, afraid to shoot the warlock as he turned and started casually walking towards us with his hand in his cloaks' pockets. I looked from him to the girl who stood proudly, looking at the warlock who approached us, "Who are you?" I asked her, still in shock. She turned to me and I think she might've smiled under her helmet, "That man over their is Silas-28, and you can call me... Carolina." To Be Continued [b]Table of Contents:[/b]

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