I find it hilarious that 90% of the comments to every one of these copy and paste Remove Eververse posts is players calling the ops idiots. This is a ridiculous bandwagon and to keep it going is monotonous and childish.
[quote]I find it hilarious that 90% of the comments to every one of these copy and paste Remove Eververse posts is players calling the ops idiots.[/quote] I mean, 100% of the posts replying to those say that the reply was idiotic. Posting to say 'I agree' isn't something most folks do. If you're interested in those statistics, compare base replies to the number of 'likes' since a 'like' substitutes for a comment in favor of the post. Just some common sense I guess.
I find it hilarious that this three week "revolution" will end with Bungie saying "we heard you" & keeping eververse in the game.
Your optimism is entirely premature. I mean, masterworks haven't fixed anything either, but they're supposedly there to address some issue.
"Eververse fiasco will be addressed soon..." This title is hilarious because Bungie WON'T address this. They'll state they heard us, they'll state they're listening to feedback, then release some BS patch release notes to throw us a bone, then go right back to the same old crap. Eververse will always be the center of this franchise. Eververse is the Destiny endgame. Any changes will be rehashing old Destiny 1 stuff into the game that they had already preplanned to reintroduce as their scheme to "release more content, more often". With this, most people will claim "Bungie's listening!", but in reality, it's a deception. This is Bungie. They've done this. They've proven this. They cannot be trusted.
So you're complaining about people complaining. That sounds even less constructive than people complaining about a predatory microtransaction system.
Editado por RoseScythe: 1/2/2018 12:38:42 AMEververse is D2's biggest problem right now. Once it's sorted we'll be able to focus on the second biggest issue.. #RemoveNovaBombSpamInMayhem Following that.. #RemoveGunsmithTelemetriesAwarding-blam!-AllRep